
Confession: I love Saw and torture porn flicks including Human Centipede. Nothing like the gross connection of mouth to butt sickness to get me going while eating a bagel. I wil gladly give my blood if i could get to see this movie for free

God Tim Curry as Nigel Thornberry from The Wild Thorberrys was the best

I tried to get an IUD at 21 or 22 and got denied from my gyno because I was too young told me to use the pill instead. Apparently its more for “women who have had a child” since I was at a child beating and and it might be a painful process for women who have not had a child, the insertion part that is. That’s when I

She needs to go back to doing by mediocre rom-coms and bad low budget crap. Also “Shakespeare in Love” sucked, there way better movies that year and better performances that year than that boring shit stick

Us older Millennial folks had ours too. HBO late at night had “Real Sex” with strange 90 era people getting tickled and clown sexed and playboy channel with naked people reporting the news. Then it progressed to 56K modem porn where you waited over one hour for one blurry ok picture. Then using Kazza to download

Wtf It must suck to live there. You can’t watch porn or drink the way you want, Mormons spewing their repressed ideas like no coffee. It is like Foot Loose only worse.

I’ve tried to teach myself to code with CodeAcademy but after taking their courses I end up forgetting it since I have no idea how to put it to use, also I am not terribly good at it. But I might think of going back to it, learn and build a project of my own. The real crutch is I do not know exactly what my passion is

Yes I shooed just drown me selvess because I’m stoooooped. Their is know whey I have know mind with out u.

His worst acting gigs are the movies with his son, Jayden. Other than the fact that he screams nepotism from the high hills, Jayden can’t act since he has the same stupid look on his face every time. I still think their stupid father and son movie, “After Earth” is a thinly veiled Scientology movie, which In glad I am

No I agree with you on the politics, I’m sure if Clinton won there would better measures for me and others even if it didn’t directly effect me it would be on the whole  good measures. I just get sad and feel helpless about my employment future (or no future) or staggeringly low pay when I dont even have the financial

“If you haven’t found work paying what your worth it’s cause your not trying, you arent willing to retrain or relocate, or your job is never coming back”

That’s because Jada Pickett-Smith is insufferable. Every time she and her spawns opens their mouths it stinks like a bad can of tuna only scary alley cats eat. At this point, Will is the only redeemable one because he acts well.

yes my bad. :\

Methodist Koreans are different from Korean Christians, who are equivalent to fundamentalist. They are one in the same besides the race. There are some differences but a large portion of Korean Christianity is like televangelist/evalengelicals. They are and can be welcome to different faiths but because they are so

I just found out that a l large portion of the alt right/MRAs have a huge Asian fetish specifically east Asian for the worst reasons. Apparently they really love the fact that Asain culture is really inclusive and are anti immigration (which is actually really bad for countries like Japan and Korea because of the no

Maybe I should be a “rush consultant” I mean I was never in a college sorority but I’m sure I can make one up. The whole job is tell rich white girls gullible enough for this bullshit.

I diarrhea pooped before in public bathrooms and have no shame. So much to the point where i knew ladies were talking about me outside my stall. Yea i need more fiber but fuck, my rectum aint waiting around, and i really really want to avoid shitting my pants or sharting for that matter. I have read nightmare stories

4"11 here!!

But it does though, we have an entire political party in office dedicated to hating the poor and making their already rich selves richer. There’s very few wealthy Americans that want to help the poor.

Yup these cops are truly despicable human beings