
Isn’t there a photo out there where she is “DJing” as in standing around dancing while someone under the table does the leg work? Most be nice to buy talent where there is none

Kylie doesnt give a shit about anyone unless it directly benefits her. why waste empathy for her. But go ahead waste away

Im going to go right out and say you are being scammed by feeling “sad” for her. Thats exactly what the show\E! wants you to feel. Trust me “normal” would mean suffering and thats something she never has to deal with or wants . I also mean true suffering like worrying about bill, money, work where you actually use

There is a blog out there with a women who takes pictures of her vagina with things inside it. The last time I was there she had rulers and pencils up there. I mean, that’s more of an interesting “lifestyle” than whatever career trajectory Lindsay Lohan blog is at.

I’m pretty certain someone out there in America has a brain tumor without free healthcare and a huge amount of debt but his party thinks that guy dying is totally ok. So Fuck McCain and his sociopathic party!!

are you sure it’s not canker sores? Cold sores don’t usually happen inside the mouth.

I loved my “one room” aka studio apartment!! Koreans really know how to pack shit into tiny spaces (they have to since its a general small country). I especially liked how the bathroom was just a shower with no divider and a switchable shower to facet setting. I also miss the door shoe thing where you take off all

Mitch would be that pathetic Prick that kisses everyones asshole so much that his head started sinking inward. Thats how you get him to look like a fucking turtle. God I so want the Gop To Eat A Bag Of Dicks

Yea two years is nothing. I would have made him work on minimum wage during college and then have him work in his dad’s field at least 5 years, built up a resume of his own and THEN work for his dad.

Pain is beauty. Although I would have walk in heels all day if it meant retiring that young and rich.

Duly noted.

The Jewish problem is a real issue especially in the NY area and even outside of NYC. Even NPR covered it as A lot of the Hisadic population has taken over real estate and control over the governing of certain areas where Black population live. They have slowly bullied the black population out or at least have been

As an Asian who has eaten live fish before, you are being racist assuming all Asians eat strange things aka “exotic things” that hurt animals. It’s basically saying “Those Asian definitely eat cat and enjoy it, their mongrels” Veganism is a thing of privilege, specifically white sheltered privilege because in other

Did you vote in the primary? I’m so glad this fuckwad’s term is over and hopefully (cross my fingers) an actually worthy candidate steps up.

As a person who has been fired a few time it does give you experience but not “cred”. It’s fucking demoralizing being fired so the fact that she is acknowledging it is a good thing. It definitely gives you an idea what you are not capable of doing allows you to take a step in the right direction. After all you learn

I love love watching 1980s/90 behind-the-scene horror just for this reason. The amount of work, creativity, direction, and team work it takes to make the movie fascinates me so much. Don’t get me wrong CGI has done wonders for movies and I love CGI but hearing stories about the real chestburster scene in “Alien” how

I don’t know about you but that’s still my Saturdays. All the big malls near me have have huge theaters with the nice laid back seating and restaurants. I planning on seeing Wonder Women this weekend and then have wings to dicuss it after with friends.

Every story I read about Josh Harnett in real life is that he is an actual douche. He killed my lady boner. I love good looking men but love kind men better

There is some acknowledgement of it but mostly in Seoul, of course. The last time I was there my friend went to a secluded lesbian bar, in the red light districts of seoul. It is becoming more common but it is still a very homophobic country. I believe the movie “The King and His Clown” a historical korean movie made

I can’t help but to share your feelings about her comments. I have nothing against age differences as long as there us consent but just because someones “older” than you doesn’t mean “wiser” neither is the other way around. I’ve dated old, young, and it falls down to the individual.