
Does anyone have the same problem as me, everytime I get bangs, it splits in half in the middle of my forehead. I can’t ever get bangs for this reason. I wear pseudo banks or I flip my little hair to the side to make it look like I have bangs but i don’t. Oh well

Exactly how he was, my mom would always tell me that he is the ruler of the house and everything he says goes. I guess yes she grew up taught that way but she did it out of love and respect not like him. He was racist to the point that he would freak out if he was in newark or any area not affluently white. He hated

I think I would of been ok with it if my mom wasn’t jipped out of it all. She loved that man, with all her heart and all he did was shit down her throat. I mean for christ sakes she gave him a son and all he could do is take advantage of her. I really think he married her because she was Korean therefore “Asian girl

I am in NJ and the executor makes all the commands. It is iron clad. It wasn’t like mom was left out of the will completely, just left her a very small life insurance which is obligated through the state, He worked for United States Post office, my brother was too young to know what that was. My step father named his

I wouldn’t think they are cool buddy. Those guys are most likely Yukuza Members, Asian Mafia and the sole reason why tatoos are still frowned upon in Asian Culture. I heard once they tattoo themselves every time they used to kill someone. Now a days it is usually something illegal and bad. But no those tattoos are

It real hard to find the courage to go back to therapy since I been in and out of one for years. After a bad experience like the last one who kept on parroting back to me that if I dont forgive you will live in a world of hurt forever. forgiveness is earned. Also I got a job recently that means I have switch

My SO parents are super nice it scares me. His mom even helped me get interviews even at her job. It is strange coming from such hostile reletives/ family and seeing his family who are just very sweet. You don’t get death stares of condescending conversations

I wonder if someone could help me.... (This will probably get buried but whatever)

I work with a 77 year old attorney. His way of saying good morning is winking at me. I cringe ever time but I tolerate it knoing he grew up in the 50s

Ha lol I have so many friend who date shit men and even though you tell them good advice on how they are good and these guys are horrible they never listen. I will continue telling them on behalf of myself, so I don’t look like an asshole but I have resigned to the fact that they are like addicts and if they can’t

Totally serious, but I was apart of a meet up group (meet.up website), they had board game nights and it was to meet all sorts of people and to have fun. However, the girl running this group she was really really into multi level marketing and pyramid schemes to the point where every game night was her way of being

Don’t forget the dumb vibrator parties who take full advantage of the sex/masturbation is still a taboo subject for women. I mean come on, I don’t want to be surrounded by my friends and talk about which purple rubber friend I want inside me. (Maybe some but not me)

Is it Frenzia ? because That is the only one I ever seen and been guzzled

Also love you

I still hate Madison, even though yes it was bold and honest of her to tell the truth about Hef and the girls/mansion you have to deluded to think you were good at the end. When I read the book towards the end It just reads like someone wanted more sympathy, pity and attention at the same time never be self critical

Asians have this genetic disposition to grow gray hairs early, I literally got gray hairs at 14 years old. I would be with my friends in high school and they would pick out my grey hairs and ask are you like stressed or old or something?! genetics.... My mom has been dying her hair ever since her late 20s to 40s and

Death and Taxes am I right ......

Emma Roberts literally acts the same in everything I have seen her in. I really do think of her as the killer from Scream 4 since the whole Roberts gene is full of big jawed ladies and assholes. And I wish for christ sakes that Evan Peters breaks it off with her, he is too good for her.

Being pampered, hell yes it is great! But the other side isn’t bad either. My mom was a nail lady, it was a good way to make a somewhat good living without back breaking labor. It is easy to train to be one and other than dealing with nasty dirty nails and foot fungus, it is kinda artistic in a way (Designs and all).

Look for Asian Hair Stylist, mine charge just $110.00 for three hours of work and the Japanese hair straightening. Asian hair stylist seems to not charge for stupid shit like washing your hair.