
Because nothing sells more than crappy autotune and dull pop songs. All her songs are incredibly boring and very manufactured, written by shitty producers et. Break Free. I know Taylor Swift can’t sing but at least she writes her own stuff. It is plain obvious Grande has people write her stuff.

What about the Asian or Japanese Hair Straightening which I get is that the same as the brazillan or different?

Her mouth looks like it is eating itself.

Exccept no one except maybe your personal close friend/relatives want to hear about your “Personal Essay” of sorts where you talk absolute none sense about your new shroom eating-fermented placenta intoxicant drinking ways, and your husband’s sad porn habit. It comes off pretentious, and if your personal essay reads

Somewhere in this forgettable dribble she said she took mushrooms to spice up her sex life since her husband looked at porn and it made her feelings go Wah WAH for the wahanbulance

All I read, ok skimmed was “Look at me I am mom who works in the porn business and I feel really bad about it. Oh and I drank my own plecenta vodka (WTF) and took mushrooms because my husband looks at porn and it made me feel like shit.” She sounds like she regrets ever having a daughter because she is girl and girls

It is totally ok because Matt Damon has all the answers

the first thing I saw, I shit you not, “Explanation of MRA and Femenism using magnets”.... clearly magnetic poles are what makes women slutty awful creatures who need to remain in the kitchen

God nothing annoys me more than those stupid fast cuts Jenna marble does, that is basically her shtick. “LOOK at me strange rant it is funny!! ::CUT:: FACE:: “comments”

God Bless, honey! I hope your baby sleeps with the fishes !

Unfortuneltly the Breakfast club isn’t really known for their tact. I listen to them sometimes on the way to work when z morning zoog is on commericial.Angela is well spoken but some the commentary and even the callers are just awful sexist and just in general kinda dumb and demeaning. One time I think Damon W said he

ME TOOO!! I thought I was the only one. I have asked countless doctors and they do not know what to do. Feels like a thousand paper cuts when you go to pee. Although when I think about anal fissures I keep thinking about Kevin from The Office putting on his health problem for Michael Scott as one of the things for his

I think she will be ok, well I hope. Girl’s got wide hips and she isn’t a tiny chick. I am 4’11 and I was told I shouldn’t get a IUD because my utertus is tiny and as my gyno says “it is so tiny, it is cute” which is the weirdest thing to be told while your spread eagle on a gyno table. God bless her she is wonderful

Nickloeon would never take that risk again, they got too much flack the last time. Also they are no longer kids channel that produces cartoons. I think the only cartoon still being produced is sponge bob. However, I can’t recommend cartoon network enough who I feel has gotten better with age than worse. Their cartoons

Loud and proud is the way to go ladies!! Or smelly depending on when

It looks like my period blood when it clots, and lovingly laid out into feminine

No joke, around where I live I know for a fact cops get a HUGE discount at Dunkin Donuts and free donuts too. You think they would at least stay away from the donut munching fat cop trope

I am all for breatfeeding, it is great and women should continue to do it it helps the baby alot and it provides alot of nutrition. But I really don’t think its unreasonable to feel uncomfortable of the fact 2-7 year old are still breatfeeding. I think WHO recommends it for countries that are still developing unlike

Oh Please, I was young and never this goddamn insufferable. I also know plenty of other girls her age that don’t act like they tried drugs for the first time when it is their 100th time doing it.

I know it is a bad movie but I loved Monkeybone, its so bad but good in that strange way.