
If she is living the way she wants to she doesn’t have to blast it in our faces all the time. We get it, she likes weed and molly and twerking and sex with every gender she keeps telling it to us in magazines and interviews as if we didn’t know already.

We are saying she is DESPERATE and it is really pathetic. It is one thing to be diligent of your craft it is another thing to look like your starving for attention and demanding it from your peers and fans, which she is clearly doing. Again if she is as talented as people claim she wouldn’t need to look so desperate.

I know right!! The hypocrisy. I can see right through her thin veil of “ I have so much to say and everything that comes out of my mouth is profound” Bullshit. Please people if she was talented and not so self absorbed she would concentrate on her music and not sticking her mouth and tongue out like this

it hopes to give people a sense of what “the life of Korea’s overworked high school students” is like

I know, I think it is every ladies fantasy to have Nathan Fillion be their OBGYN.

No they are still around. I was in Korea in 2010 and signed up for a gym near by where I lived, about an hour away from Seoul and they had those stupid machines. I mostly used it to massage my back lol. There was also one of those machines that is a strap around your stomach/butt and it jiggles your fat around. I

That must be how people make those prom dresses for that Duck Tape scholarship which I am still amazed people make those dresses, some look really beautiful and elaborate too. But if you take the time to make a prom outfit/dress out of duck tape that is amazing they def deserve a scholarship

I think read somewhere that Sarach McLachlan did not like those commercials too and did not know they were going to use her songs that way. After that they pulled her songs off and put a new song on. I don’t blame her, I mean everytime that song comes on I want to throw something at the tv or radio because of that Ad.

The new face of Batman everyone

One of her MTV VMA promos is just her flicking her tongue around in all directions in slow motion. This last a WHOLE 40 second, seconds of life I won’t ever get back because of her ugly tongue and “I NEEEEEED ATTENTION NOW” behavior.

Not the mention that as soon as someone mounts their bike they automaticaly turn into a road raged turd. But god I could do without the revved up engine in the morning and late at night.

I am in the same boat. If I don’t wear my usual heels there is an instant barrage of “you are so short, ‘human arm rest” Don’t get me started on the midget qualifications comments. “Heard if you are shorter than 5’ your a midget” oh good offending little people and short statured people at the same time

Parents who understood that children will forget and forgive pretty quickly concerning minor pranks. You do know children also prank each other for fun but you wouldnt know fun would you

Hey all the stars to you!! I agree with you. I get that Disney isn’t really understanding about girls and sexuality but she is far better off than most people in America and the many artist/Actors/ Actresses who desperately would love to fill her shoes. Besides right now she is doing what she wants, making her own

Oh please, parents have been pranking kids since human discovered how to have babies. It is one of the perks of having kids. Besides as soon as the prank is over and you tell them the truth/give back whatever you took they get over it real quick.

Yea Koreans seem to have a thing for some poop things. For example, a bun on top of your head is called 똥 머리 or Poop hair. Also a game Korean children play, the most evil game ever invented, where you make a point out of your two hand with your index finger to “poke” at butts is called 똥 치 or Poop shot/Needle. Its

I’ve work for an acupucturist and that is just a point given to cull upset stomach/nausea not for gag reflexes. I wouldn’t reccomend it while giving a blow job but its handy for hang overs and over indugience of food

I still love watching “Loser” even though in retrospectc it is the strangest rom com.

Cats are a godsend when you have mice!! Although it is kind of sad how they torture the little critters to death, they literally play with them to death.

I live in NJ too, but in the most liberal area. The one thing they completely left out was Consent and the many methods of birth control other than condoms. It was like biology class instead of comprehensive and through discussion about sex and having it responsibility. Men and women should not have to go to the