
I don't know about you but for whatever reason when I am in pain due to m back (scoliosis) none of the doctors take me serious. They are too worried about addiction .They always say take a Tylenol, which only helps fevers. I think it is due to my age, I am 26. But it def sucks when you are in alot of pain and dismiss

Does anyone else watch this show still? lol I am 26 and Not ashamed that I have been a loyal fan since 8 years old. But I am really sad that they have sort of downgraded the show to Flash animation than the regular one, but understandably there are more episodes now, however inconsistent to the past. I still think the

Yes, exactly if he wanted to represent from his point of view the best way would be if he was in the show, sort of like the show Louie, based upon Louis CK life. If you don't like the writing or the show then be the writer, producer, and the person in the show. Have the balls to do it. And this is coming from an Asian

Seriously?! I saw the trailer waiting in the Theater for Guardians of the Galaxy. They all seem like a bunch of assholes minus the mom. I heard about their "cuisine" and doubted it as well they all seem like a bunch of assholes. So I hereby name the show Wafuckers

If he only stayed as Jim from the Office... Asian Jim you are so dreamy

Well I wanted an IUD then my GYNO said the strangest shit and scared me from it

I still cant believe die antwood is so famous now with their shit music. Now they are in big production movie wtf

Besides it is not like boy circumcision is rooted in killing sexuality of that gender UNLIKE FGM. One does not equal the other. As far as I know some adult men after all these years volunteer to have their fore skin removed, because it is still a SAFE PROCEDURE, doesn't mean I like circumcising infants but your not

THATS NOT TRUE. Some cats are just assholes

isn's Deathmau more of that crappy dubstep shit or i call Fax machine music? I guess now a days anything is quality DJ work if you drop a few tablets of molly and press buttons.

a good portion of Poehler's book was guest writers such as Seth Meyers and her Mother and Father lol (audio book is way better just cause the slew of celebrities guest readings)


There is also a singles day in Korea however its called Black Day, where you eat Black Bean Noodles

nothing says love like a Cosby Sweater

I can, as An Asian American woman it is harder to put on makeup with the monolid. It also brightenings your face . Again its a personal decision but I think it is such a small procedure it doesn't really matter for many Asian women. Asian women still look Asian even with the double eye lid. I know the idea of the

maybe not hip but I am guessing the demographic of Letterman show is white men ages 40 and older. I remember trying to watch letterman with my step dad (white as fuck middle aged man while I am an Asian American twenty something) and I just could not find his humor funny. His humor was literally horrible and that

I have a sort of similar situation. My step dad recently passed away, I found him dead and even tried to revive him while panicking on the phone with 911 emergency. Unfortunately his family and nor was he fond of me (I didn't like him either ) however they decided to use me as a scapegoat and blamed his death on me.

I do both. But you can tell the clear difference between some high quality makeups to drug store ones. For example, I am asian unsmearing long wearable high quality eyeliner is rare and great and It seems like I can only find it in sephora. But man do I feel guilty. woahs of being a woman

Everytime she comes on the radio, all I think about is eating twinkies in bath tubs, like a shit ton of them. Floating in them and then vomiting it all out because of my damn ex boyfriend or something

I don't know......