
I love Charlotte Russe and Mandees!! I just went to Mandees yesterday and most of the people there shopping too is people 20-35 so fuck all I will shop there until I am 50 and wear cat wear and k mart. They have fairly reasonably priced clothing that are stylish so yyea ALL THE WAY

Ain't life a bitch for us Normals?

Hunger Games and its Trilogy/Films really really makes me want to start my own rebellion against bureaucratic rich politicians or something. I JUST WANT A BOW AND ARROW AND START KICKING ASS!!!! but most of the time i end up back at my own work desk reading. UGh

when ever he is on the radio I immediately turn him off because i keep imagining a dudebro and his annoying singing voice

That game is incredibly hard I won once out of 7 games each with different amounts of people and help.

The ironic part for me is He married shannan Tweed who hasn't done anything except for being a playboy playmate and sometimes actress. Excuse me Gene but what makes her any different from a House wife?

With all due respect to everyone who hates heels. I wear, COMFORTABLE HEELS, because I am 4'11.

meh Draco is pretty predictable. They were born rich and born into one of the one and only pure blood families. As the Harry Potter books go by very few families were considered pure blood and those families wanted really bad to keep it that way for example the black family who exiled anyone who tainted the blood.

It is a common thing for Acupuncture practices . I worked for an Acupuncturist for a while and quite literally he would ask about people's blood types and pulse and linked it to a specific diet plan. For Example, apparently according my blood type it meant my energy thrives on meat especially pork.

I think it is best for Honey Boo Boo she is getting up in age, she is now like 12 and If I were her I rather not live out my weird teenage years on a reality show where your trademark is "Red Neck White Trash Cute" But I hope the best for that family they all seem like loving people.

More like marrying the right person at the right time of her modeling career. Her "designer business" or baby phat only really blossomed after marrying Russel Simmons. Please honey, we all would be entrepreneurs with a Sugar Daddy

I bet she doesn't even know of the words "Hand-Me-Downs" like us plebeians. I used to so happy when I got cute shirts from my friends who massed shopped but didn't wear them ever.

SINCE WHEN do these people COOOK?!?! I thought they had chefs over everyday cooking for them and kissing their ass as they sip their gourmet soup

Oh you mean Rumer Willis!!

It is P Diddy. He is like the first Kanye West but less talent and more assholery who rides the coat tales of Biggy. I still crack up on the episode of "Making the Band" where he basically forces the band to walk all around New York City for a piece of cheesecake, all night.

I remember a BBC documentary about these men who only have sex dolls, they do not date because something. Man it takes work! They weight upwards to 178 pounds if and when you have sex with them you have to clean it out. Also because after a while "Parts" yes, "Partd" get worn down they have to have them replaced.

haha the last time i saw Real Sex was when i was 15 and the segment was "Clown Sex" i fucking noped HBO porn for a while after that.

Correct. Console games do not do well at all in Korea. Handheld is the only one that does well such as the DS or PSP because Korea love hand held anything

Seriously two things America desperately needs is free reign on abortions and universal healthcare. Fuck alll everyday hearing stories like this make me hate America

Beyonce doesn't fart!! Her farts are songs sung from her asshole at soprano. The only person who knows she sorta farts is basement baby, Solange. You know Solange heard all that while growing up behind Beyonce glow.