
So you have to be inconsiderate and spread your legs real wide for the courtesy of your nut sack? Sorry but I have known men that can sit cross legged and did not mind. Shit if male gymnast can do it (Not saying you are one) and not hurt their nuts than I am pretty sure you can without being a complete dick to fellow

The worst is seeing these commercials in Korea with k pop (Kia being a Korean brand) then seeing it again with American music back at home. It's like Kia doesn't get it, we don't like strange human hamsters dancing. Then again Korean commercials are all fucking strange as fuck they really like dancing anything.....

UGH on the Asian parenting part of the article.

I just want to unleash thousands and thousands of precocious and annoying kindergarteners armed with glitter guns and elmers glue, pipe cleaner, sticky fingers full jam, boogers ect so they can stick things on her and ask her questions like, "Why do you always wear just underwear or pajamas?" Why do you look like

Not to mention their house is considered " a religious ground" so they have tax free exemption. Which is bullshit, your huge family is not a church.

Well not "Decent" more like sociopathic assholes who know how to hide their shit behavior by having a normal life. I am convince all trolls have a lot of "mental issues" and many insecurities that sees this as an outlet for their anger etc. All I imagine is that behind every computer with a troll there is a Patrick

I read this on r/relationships on it last night and I didn't know it would end up here. I enjoy reading about people's relationships .....

Cant you taste these scones!

I am glad I am not the only one that feels that way. I just started a new job like a month ago in a law firm. I literally do all my work and then have nothing to do. I feel so stressed that I am not doing things right at all or that I have no idea what I am doing. But when I ask if I am doing everything to

I went a little over board with the caps.

It shouldn't matter where servers work at this article is about everyone in the restaurant business because tipping sucks. I dont care if your "Friends makes bank from high end restaurants" EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A FAIR WAGE IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND


HAHAH When i worked as a server my "Fat Wads of Cash" was ALL ENTIRELY SINGLE DOLLAR BILLS which amounted to 50-100 dollar for working 7 days a week busting my ass off. This doesn't include the days my pay got deducted for making mistakes or if a table dine and dashed which came out of my tipps, aka my money I earned.

You really can tell they stuck to GRRM word. Every fabric for the mens were expensive leather bound wear and real fur for the black aka jon snow. The womens wear were very sleak silk and lots of hand done embroidery. Really beautiful

Wish they had game of thrones customes. I got to see them for the early primeire of the last season and omg the customes are amazingly done from the fabric to the the seams. Danys blue dress is even more stunning in person. You can see a whole lot of work sweat and money these people put into the customes even for the

It is even worse for other lower paying jobs such as a fine dining server it listed 5 plus experience in waitressing with extensive knowledge of wine. I mean who goes around thinking I want to be a waitress real bad. even if you are stuck being a waitress do you hhonesty believe the pay and job makes you want to

Dragon ball was great it is where can you get a cartoon about grown men screaming for half the episode half naked "recharging themselves" to super sayan.

A friend of mine did this for his birthday. The key is do it with a good group of friends and the friend being roasted has to have the personality for it or it all goes down hill. None of this hiring people to do it, your friends should be able to handle writing a few jokes one or two at the least. It was very high

Looks more like Brave New World than the giver

Historically yes but now it's a pretty decent place to live in Manhattan. Artist and hipster flock over there all the time. Far from his historic background