
What abortion ban in South Korea? I lived in South Korea for almost two years and abortions, while it was frowned upon was easily assemble and so was Birth Control. I even directed a girl over the internet who was raped in South Korea and needed an abortion to Gynos who offered them.

I don't know I feel like it is the stereotype or typical case for men, like you, to "Marry Down" than it is for women. Besides this whole business of marry up or down came about because women were disadvantaged and that was their only choice for a better life. Now since women have more degrees than men and have

I know but people seem to like it like my boyfriend. I give him the side eye every time he eats it. The stuff is just laced with crap flavoring and sodium.

Oh I never knew there was such a thing as anpain specialist I will def check it out thanks!!

Really? Every Doctor here ( North East Coast) that I go seems to NEVER want to give me pain medicine. I have scoliosis and I waitress so i pick up heavy things and I am constantly on my feet, my back kills from time to time espeically during my period but every doctor I go to seem to want to push Tylenol or Advil in

My ex Korean Boyfriend was a blood type B ......obviously didn't work out lol

If I knew you I would buy you the best Lint chocolate package for you!!

Have you worked at a restaurant? Only cause it is actually really hard to steal when you are a waitress. You are constantly on your feet caring for your customers and the only people that take care of the money are the owners/managers. If you need change back you either have to ask the owners/managers who handle the

This is why I like East Asian's way of doing Valentines day because I feel like it celebrates both partners rather having the guy do all the work on one day. East Asian Valentine's day consist of the girl giving the guy a gift and one White day, which I think is the next month over is the guy giving the girl a gift.

Anyone else think this song sounds a lot like Rhianna's songs? I swear I think I am getting old every song is bending together into one giant hip hoppy feel about having sex alot with surf boards..

Besides the pon pon song the group video isnt that much different to mosy girl/boy bands in East Asia korea had similar videos. im speaking as a korean Americn too

Trust me I live here and every time his stupid commercial of "Jersey Strong" comes on on the local channel I want to punch his gut. The entire commercial makes him look like a hero, as if he already rebuild the shore areas, which he hasn't. He even has Bon Jovie saying he is a hero.... He is the worst

I dont get it I am still waiting tables because I cant find a job and this racist dumb ass is an public relations exec?!? goddammit America

Or that Hollywood is running out of ideas so they are going on a rampage of remaking 80s horror movies and are now down to the last few....


This is common thing that happens with American guys dating Asian women. My mom who has been in America for 25 years and has not gone back to see her country married my step father who is completely and utterly white several years after I was born. And while I do respect him and their relationship I can't help to

However mail order brides in Asia are becoming a common theme not just among white american men but also Asian guys. Due to the patriarchal nature of Asian cultures such as China favoring sons over daughters the sons have a hard time dating or getting married. Thus some of the first world nations such as Japan and