
I would say both. Have a wonderful day girly. 하지만 너는 원전 미쳣다.


Holy shit lady you are off your rocker.

You do realize you are making "Making mountains out of mole hills" with my comment right?

I go on reddit everyday, on askreddit everyday. No matter how open minded I am about reddit the hive mind drives it down to shitty levels about sexism, racism etc. A hive mind will drive 73 million minds to dumber levels because internet points and since there is no faces on these forum. That is something every

WHAT?@?!?!?!? I loved to think we are equal but come on women can have babies and men can't. Most men according to biology can be stronger than women, not always but let's be real they are. If that confuses you I would happily email you further how biology, most of the time work

You are taking this way of context. Yes if you are hitting someone with anger you can hit back but most redditor thinks this happens often to them as if every women are out to get them and that they SHOULD hit every women to a pulp. A lot of redditor really seem to think violence against women are ok even when it is

I go on reddit too often but I still think overall *Most* people on reddit are completely delusional about human beings, women, and life. Not singling out you

Trust me in that redditors "Think all women hit their boyfriend or guys" Redditors have this complex where they think that every women who has ever hit them deserves to be punched in the face repeatedly. It is mostly made up bullshit stories of them getting brutally beat up by women and their excuse to beat women

If it is so big can you make Miley do it? I rather watch miley on stage singing whilst stoned and eating cheetos in sweats than her sticking her tongue out every five min

On the bright side I really like the message Lorde's song "Royals" sends out. About how she and other do not come from money but nonetheless enjoys their lives anyways. Something different than your typical 16 year old 'relationship songs'. Makes me feel tingling inside knowing there are artist that young who actually

actually gochuang or고추장 is hot pepper paste. What you are thinking of is samchang 삼장 which is a mix of hot pepper paste mixed with fermented soybean paste. Gochugang or the hot pepper paste is mainly a ingredient however can be used as sauces especially for bi bi bap however what is used alot is vinegared hot pepper

Really? I just quit waitressing 4 months ago and the vast majority of waitressing jobs are reserved for mothers, usually 40 year olds and up, because of the flexible schedule and their experience. Unless you are talking about breasturants or fine dining. Shit I couldnt even waitress for olive garden because I didn't

Your right it probably isnt bad, there is nothing wrong with anyone's physical self. I guess in some ways it is all the pressure of society and others. There is nothing wrong I just personally feel better if I changed it for myself and not for anyone else. Besides I have a double eyelid that formed naturally as i grew

It all depends though, some people do not need the double eyelid at all because it suites them but I have seen people with really bad mono lids that hinder the way they look when they are laughing or smiling. In some picture for me I do not look like i have my eyes open at all when I smile and it just looks like I am

I dont know I am Korean American and I really want to get the double eye lid surgery, No it is not to look Americanized either. While I have been pressured especially by my Korean mom I have had wonderful American friends who tell me not to get it since I should be proud of "who I am". With my Korean friends mostly it

Sure there is and I have tried all of them, cereal, fruit, toast, juice. Things just do not agree with me in the morning. Jesus do you not understand People are different

breakfast makes me sick too and gassy you are not alone

it is different for everyone because most breakfast goods for me make me sick and farty. im pretty skinny though lol

I disagree anytime there is a different opinion to the crowd of redditors you are down voted to smithereens. I cant stand that all the men on reddit which is the majority hage a strange complex against women. I like askreddit but more than once every week there is always some ass hat who has to say wife took away my