
it just means they're more laid-back and in-the-moment, and they don't analyze every little thing a man says or does in an attempt to measure his worth, or his interest, or his long-term investment.

But I HATED Tara!! She was SO annoying

To each is their own. ill risk it. we all do things in life that are harmful I highly do not think a eyeliner tatoo done once a life time is going to damper my health akin to America healthcare policies which make cancer victims go into a lifetime of debt.

oh it is not that bad, but I am Asian and have the monolids. Monolid or not, however Asain eyes use tons if not more than enough eyeliner to paint a whole room black so it more than helped me. It is also an alternative to the double eye lid surgery since one of the main reasons to get the surgery done is for easier

Ugh dont date Redditor men, they are the worst of the worse, at least some of them. They all seem to believe in preconceived notions of women and tend of be immature aka self esteem issues.

Well men tend to lose weight easier because they dont deal with hormones as much as we do. I blame a lot of weight gain and loss due to hormones for women. we deal with such a roller coaster of hormones every month and through out pregnancy only wish men can experience how much of a pain that really is.

This is usually how racist are in real life. If you ever confront them and use the word "Racist" they become all self defensive acting like they never meant it That way or it was misconstrued. Everyone knows it is an insult to be called a "Racist" but most people are NEVER willing to admit that they are or even a

I dont know It is some how more depressing how these people are taking advantage of people who are in mourning and emotional turmoil all for money. Penn and Teller did an episode about it, and they really went into how they would only show the more expensive caskets first and how even a wooden box was sold 3x more

Well if you were told since the day you were 5 that if you don't look pretty to other Asians you will never get a job, never have a boy friend, never get married, never be successful, never amount to anything because attractiveness is very important to a culture wouldn't you seriously consider surgery? Besides other

Correct. It is all about conforming to the Korean beauty standards. Koreans or Asian like group verses the individual, so they see only one form of physical beauty and they see as that as the only status quo. Anything different in looks would be ugly. While in America we see slight variations as something

I have said no but it still comes from all sides. For instance one of my senior friends asked me if she should get it or not because she has been taken to the plastic surgeon by friends, family more than thirty times. Even if she says no they keep insisting. If it was that easy would you really think all these girls

Yes you are absolutely right. I am Korean American myself and the Koreans I know do not want to look "westernized" apart from maybe the double eye lid surgery the rest is the fight the cultural pressure to look young as Korean woman are told almost every day that youth counts. Cultural norm in Korea is we rule by

I am Korean American chick dating a black guy!!

I don't think that was it though. Madonna's performance while controversial didn't look so forced or embarrassing. Madonna had an allure about her that made it look like she knew exactly what she was doing and how to capture the image of the oh so virginal girl touched by sex but Miley dear god, it was like watching a

See Irony and parodies are great.....

That is why every time I hear a girl play the victim of being "thin shamed" I want to ask her have you lived as a fat person before?

I am sorry but no relationships with partners that respect each other do not involve ignoring the little issues for the bigger ones. Those little issues such as not washing the dishes, not cleaning after yourself, and just being a general lazy shit built up over time. You keep pretending those issues do not bother

We dont have romantic prospects we have rampant "Hook up sex" in our parent's house and then take our antidepressants in the morning on our parent's health insurance if we are lucky. If not we start crying while we send our resumes out and then afterwards binge on ice cream while watching lots of park and rec hoping

Women are taught though to see past physical attractiveness in men and women. There are plenty of women who marry old guys for money rather than youth and looks, both are shallow but a guy marrying an old hag is unheard of or not often heard of. The amount of men I have run into who put a woman's looks ahead of

It is good that you are not like him and it is important to point out to parents why and how racism is bad.