
To be honest, he sounds like an ass. While we tend to hold our parents to a higher degree because they birth us and raise us, our parents are humans who make mistakes and are not perfect. BOO HOO your mom almost did not have you.... get over it you are here and you mother raised you anyway without any damage on him or

Trust me being short ....cough cough 4"11 aint a cake walk either. I have to literally chop off every pants or jeans I buy due to being incredibly long. Also I am everyone's arm rest. If I do not wear heels I look like I am perpetually 16 years old and since I am Asian I am literally treated as so. My feet and back

I really want to believe that cops are there to "protect and serve" and I am sure there are great cops and nice cops out there but I will and cannot believe it when Most us regular citizens are shit scared to call the cops for anything at all. Cops as I have learned make everything worse, everything.

Well it is pretty easy to see it, why can't you?

You are right in that Male Mutation should be discussed since I even never heard of it. But I was not discussing that just trying to combat idoitic MRAs who I am pretty sure would not even care about this issue if not for this article and only commented because he wanted to troll

Look I am not trying to make this some crap gender war discussion. I am just annoyed with people, usually mras, who have to come into a women's issue conversation with "WHAT ABOUT THE MEN YOU FEMNAZISSS!!!" I am sure there are boys who have their genitals mutilated in Africa just as the women but comparing that

Thats because I am sure you are a rapist. I am not agruing who has it worse asshole I am just saying one doesnt equal the other. God you trolls please go off yourself for the mercy of human kind

Oh god not this again. Male circumcision while is bad and unnecessary should not be EQUATED with Female circumcision or FGM. FGM results in death people, death and bleeding profusely out of your reproductive organs. Did you not read the article?!

I think white guys could comment but if they have never experienced the culture head on like us it is hard me to comprehend that they would know anything Asian. My step father is white American who married my very Korean mother, this is her second marriage. But I find my step father to be lost in white privledged male

I just do not understand the entitlement of horny old men feel about women around them especially young women. I worked for a diner for awhile, just quit for better job a few months ago but a regular would come in about as old and wrinkled as a raisin. He wasn't so old that he lost his mind or anything but old enough

Yes definitely it should be discussed more by Asian men and women. These types of conversations always happen around Asian women only though because it is still so taboo, the idea that any women has a headstrong attitude. However when ever the term "Career woman" come up it seems to be discussed by Asian women and men

Oh please his argument is worse he and you are telling me "YEEEEEEEE Mono cultured nations are xenophobic, It blows ok!! why do you not see they suck"

you do realize that their history involves them having South Korea been a poor country to becoming one of the most developed countries within the last two decades. Do you really think with such a massive upheaval in a country that is already and has always been a mono cultured country that it can catch up to America

No its is a pretty hotly debated topic especially in Korea now that the president is a woman. Gender discrimination and mistreatment/sexual harassment in the work place is the worst in Korea. I have never seen a woman in Korea above a position that is meant for females other than a teacher, secretary etc. Not to

As I heard from other Koreans, Busan and any other southern cities tend to be more open and friendlier to foreigners but outside the cities are tend to the hateful old folks, hicks who never see the light of day what Korea looks like to outsiders.

I hate these Blanketed statements about Korea and how it hates foreigners. Jesus christ do you even know why they are like that? As a Korean American who has studied Korean history, let me tell you South Korea became this way because they have become an very developed country within the matter of only a few decades.

I logged in to respond. I a Korean American and have lived and worked as an expat myself in South Korea. I am also bi-langual and have studied Korean history with a Harvard educated professor.