Someone’s got some splainin’ to do.
Someone’s got some splainin’ to do.
The pain in Spain falls mainly on the pit lane.
Matt Millen hasn’t been the Lions GM since September of 2008
I just visited Rome (and did ride on some rickety ATAC busses made by Mercedes and others) and I can’t believe how much deferred maintenance there is everywhere. The stuff seems to get built, then they do nothing and let it all go to seed. I thought places in the US let stuff go, but Rome takes it to another level.
Native Americans should just take their game and go home.
Is this what the bus looked like before it burned?
The Mets are the Arsenal of MLB.
Very Roman of you
You’ve just outed yourself as a goddamned moron
There-in lies the problems with the US. People aren’t cool with hearing the words ‘fuck’ and ‘nigga’ while they eat. Yet they seem to have no problem with black people getting gunned down for being black. The first requires a complaint and firing, while the second... not so much.
Oh course a Duke official is afraid that teenagers on campus would hear a song called “Get Paid” and start getting ideas. That’s an NCAA violation!
“Hey honey, gotta work on the car today. This should only take me an hour or so, and I’ve got everything I need already.”
The Shart Knight
“Mr. Cohen, a Bebe Rebozo is on the other line for you.”
So you guys exchanged bodily fluids, in a way
How about when he yelled “Omaha”? You know, the O-word he’s actually known for yelling a lot...
Oh man, they even had commercials of it, but they mostly aired during the commercial breaks of Sinbad’s Shazam.
Berenstein Bears is the conspiracy we can all get behind.
Recall how Peyton Manning used to yell “Oklahoma!” and all that shit before he snapped the ball.