
Thank you Florida for making Texas look good.

Toronto fans are trash.

You go on a killing spree, you don’t get the liberty of non-lethal force. Simple as that in my mind. If you held up a convenient store with a gun, and were in there and no one was hurt? Sure, let’s talk, I’ll send in pizza and a handheld so we can discuss your non-lethal surrender. You post up in a sniper nest, kill

wow, congratulations you made it to the ALCS, your face of the franchise still got that face smashed in, and neither team won the World Series so Id say the Rangers won

In Defense of Game of Thrones, the only time they were used in the show was to actually set something very flammable on fire from far away. In the battle of King’s Landing they set the wildfire floating on the water on fire, and at King Tully’s funeral, the Blackfish uses a fire arrow to set the little ship full of

20 Minutes. My rapist took only about 15. That was >40 years ago, and I’ve never forgotten. These rapists think they are blameless. It only took 20 minutes, why is the rest of my life in ruins. BECAUSE THE REST OF MINE IS RUINED. POS

No, it feels pretty fucking good.

Only if she uses her teeth.

When Oakland and Washington are the only two dissenters, it’s pretty much a a guarantee that you’ve made the correct decision.

Nice to see that an umpire actually tried to defuse the situation rather than make himself the center of attention.

It was awful. The choreography was disjointed and confusing. Also, the sand snakes have no presence. They are weak actors, sorry to say. The do not come across as bad asses who are dangerous, but petulant brats who are pissed their daddy died.

Yep! This! If this rape is going to motivate anyone have it be Sansa using her wits and wiles to get back at the Boltons. Enlisting Theon if need be.

This is my favorite thing in sports.

This is all fine and good but Ranger baseball doesn't officially start until Elvis screws with Adrian while he's trying to catch a pop up during a live play.


Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

The weekend series against the Rays will be played at the Trop...

Yes, this was clearly the most improbable part of a movie featuring a 90 year old super-soldier and his 90 year old best friend with a cybernetic arm, a flying suit, a person-computer and flying aircraft carriers, in a universe with gamma-radiation, Gods and intergalactic archvillians.

Fuck St. Louis.