
I my opinion, live action remakes of classic animated movies are a sign of laziness in an attempt to squeeze more money out of an old idea.

Its easy: Knives Out 3: A Glass Onion Mystery

For those of us who aren’t going to see the film (especially after this honest review) you can’t leave out the twist at the end. I must know, but will not pay to see a poor movie. Help me out!

That is true, but when something is completely 100% unnecessary, that just makes it worse.

Nothing but a money grab.  The Prologue to Return of the King is all we need of that story.

As a father to an only son, I feel his grief. Its so realistic as I would never want to experience what Hill is just portraying for a camera.  A true legend and his talents will be missed.

Ted Cruz needs to be recognized when he tries to scamper away to Mexico to avoid whatever horror Texas comes up with next.

Time for a LoTR marathon in his memory.

The correct answer is none! Don’t mess with my childhood memories! (Unless its Dino-Riders, lol)

Came here to just stay this.  Nothing like a 3000 year delay.

Why must we add fuel to the fake moon landing conspiracy theory?

Take your freaking star!

The trailers got me interested.  I thought it would just be a John Wick knockoff, but glad to hear that it looks to be good.  I was going to see it anyway, but now I may see it this opening weekend!

I take all news on this day with a HUGE grain of salt.


To steal a phrase from Agatha Harkness: [Dr. Doom] all along!”

I thought I saw Dr. Doom, but not 100% percent sure.  Is this were the MCU pivots from Kang to Dr. Doom as the BBEG?  I need the everything we saw in the D&W trailer to post!

It boggles my mind, how some people don’t even think about the optics of their actions. Book burning was very much a think in Nazi Germany, but doing so here in “Mmerica” to show their willingness to fight the tyranny of the left is very much ironic.  I fear for this country if the GOP regains power.

Will they buy out Diamond Sports Group/Bally Sports?  I might consider it to get my local MLB team who is locked in with the horrible Bally service.

Gotta stay under an unknown threshold because those airlines will force you to buy 2 tickets to fly.