10/10 will have this project meeting again.
10/10 will have this project meeting again.
Sounds like they took reddit’s subreddit structure and applied it to Twitter. Reddit can be its own hellhole so I’m curious how it’s different from that aspect of reddit, which fosters communities like the_donald and kotakuinaction
Sounds kind of like Discord.
This needed to be explained in a full article? I’ve known this trick since my first blackberry.
Sounds like ain’t nobody gonna avoid that one. Accord swerved to avoid a car driving on the wrong side of the road and that’s where the minivan happened to exist
You can play through the whole game with a friend. However, only the host gets their progress saved, for some reason. So if you and your mate play 4 hours of the game, and then they disconnect to go play their game solo, they won’t have any of the progress they’ve made over those 4 hours.
In my youth, I had many questions about Blockchain but no answers. After many years, I learned of a wizened master who lived at the peak of a great mountain. I spent some money to buy supplies and hire guides for the difficult journey to meet this master, and then I gave away the rest of my fortune to charity. With…
Damn, shoulda’ bought lifehacker stock yesterday!
Look, some women can be the most ardent supporters of an oppressive patriarchal system. Pam has survived in spite of/by virtue of her physical attributes all her life and can’t see the forest for the trees.
god this makes me cringe so hard. “we took all the worst parts of software development and are introducing them to all industries” seems to be the “disruption” angle of so many silicon valley companies.
So, I get a book delivered to my house with the weed in it? Is that how it works?
Get infected with ransomeware. It comes with step-by-step directions.
Which means we can most likely date that stock photo around April 19th, 2014, as that’s the last time both bands played an NYC show together.
Are these the same VCs that poured money into a juicer that didn’t actually juice fruit and vegetables?
Seems to be working well.
I literally googled “High dog meme”
This wedding does not sound very good.
You definitely DO want a registry. People will get you gifts. If you don’t have a registry, they’ll get you what they think you’ll like, which will be stuff you don’t want, from stores where you don’t even want credit. Get a registry at a store where you shop anyway, and you can return everything (if you so desire)…
Homework still sticks in my head as one of the most fucked up parts about school. You have to sit being lectured to for most of the day, do after school activities, and then do 2-3 hours of worksheets and reading after school. And then they started putting it on the weekends too!!!