
So they could steal that too? Or so Mike could defend himself from the robbers that aren't there? If he was home when they showed up and wrote a story about that, then a gun might be suggested.

I'm sure Indiana Jones would want all of it. "It belongs in a museum!"

So does it go to the state? Or does he get to keep it?

It's been three days. If it was out for multiple weeks or months then yeah sure. But it's only three days. Chill out everyone, there are other things to do. I'm all for free stuff, but I know Sony won't do it. They probably wouldn't after weeks either.

I've thrown up bananas and I believe it was similar. I never want to eat bananas again though.

Yeah, and somebody actually went out and made them.

No, they hate the xbox. They can't update The Orange Box because apparently you're only allowed to update games with new content twice before you have to start charging for it. I suppose that is not the case with the PS3.

Nope, maybe I'll rent it for the achievements and going through co-op. But I hate the multiplayer. I can't get over people not dying while they roadie run at me.

Prestige only goes to 15 in Black Ops

I didn't know that they made cameras that record at less than what the brain perceives as motion.

Apparently he misheard Teddy Roosevelt.

But Blizzard has extensive writings on gold farming. Basically since it's their game they own everything in it and it's breaking TOS.

Blizzard would spend as many millions of dollars necessary to stop this. Do people really buy gold that often though?

That's where Microsoft and Nintendo differ. Nintendo is all about first party stuff. Games, peripherals, all that stuff. Microsoft has lots of stuff on their plate so most of the games are from other companies, except for Xbox Live Arcade.

I'm guessing the Wii 2 will sadly be too similar with the current Wii. Same motion tech. Hopefully better graphics but I doubt it.

So I'm guessing he dropped off the map for three years.

Guns and idiots are more dangerous

I know it's lame, but I think I'm most excited for the advancement for hair. Now if they just combine that with the face scan in LA Noire.

Hmm, maybe I'll finally get it. Probly not though. My $19 should be going to food.

How long until we get medium format?