
Funny, I looked at the picture and wondered if it was in fact the mall in Chula Vista. It's a really nice mall, but Chula is the shitty part of San Diego. I was walking around there at closing time and it looked like they were unplugging everything and putting it in the back. Does this happen at all Apple stores or

Whoa, that box of tasers looks insane.

Well it *is* a blackberry, did you expect it to be good?

Of course it was a girl who started this...

It's just a common mask that people can easily get. They aren't saying anything about the movie. I think it's about looking the same "We Are Legion" while maintaining anonymity.

Between this and the Vatican story, you should probably take the rest of the day off Jack.

It makes sense to me. I'm not saying I see satanists all over the place, but is the statement not true?

Slowly *ba dum tshh* Yeah I'm really over it. The 2g coverage is terrible, and the signal drops a lot.

I'm not really sure where Virgina is, and I'm not really sure I want to.

Very very true. I'm just sad that everything else is great, but the camera is terrible. But that's really updating software, and the only hardware update is a new phone. iPhone 5 here I come!

Dear God, sounds like Nukems voice went down the shitter too.

They didn't ask which game they play because everyone knows it's Madden.

Good, I'm stuck with the iPhone 1 for now and the camera on that is utter shit, it's slow, horrible ISO and can't focus on anything within a foot.

Needs more spellcheck.

My thoughts exactly.

I'm just laughing at this being written by Maximum PC. Neither market is going away. It's really different strokes for different folks. Consoles are better in their own right due to lower price and hardware consistency. PC's have power and pretty much every release. I have an Xbox and a macbook pro. The only game on

Oh the pain it is being a blogger. Poor poor Jesus, what ever will become of this tragedy?

Why does it seem only asian countries do shit like this? It's obviously not the only place it happens, but it seems most of the stories about children being hurt or killed by their parents revolve around gaming.

I love the people complaining about movies looking too "real" Imagine how much better complex things like explosions will look. I am not in the business of post production, but don't they tweak the film anyway so it doesn't look so normal? Adjusting contrast, brightness and whatnot?

I am familiar with where the snipers are. I'm just saying you don't even have to hunt for them, unless there's like an ability for your sniper to have some cloaking perk and your opponent isn't allowed to see him on the board.