
They suck in Battlefield 3 so I say get rid of them! No one wants them in the virtual world either.

The japanese tsunami girl was confirmed fake. It was a tryout for a comedy website and they had it pulled once it really took off.

Saints Row 1 tried to be a legit competitor but failed since GTA 4 had an amazing story and left the over the top goofiness behind. Then THQ just said fuck it and went for broke on the goofiness meter. If you can't beat em on substance, beat em with packing your game to the gills with random shit to appease everyone's

Kill cam applies to any view you have on your screen while you're dead.

I see neither Finn nor Jake in that lead photo. Lies, all lies!

Not so, EA doesn't care how many people play. Adding a fee for used games is EA saying 'You could buy it from Gamestop for the $54 used price and then pay $10 more for online, or just buy it from us for $60. They're just trying to squash the used game market, since they get 0% of those profits.

They are, it's just like anything else, the features are what set them apart.

Call of Duty is more "It's us and only us, we have to save the world from a single bad guy. Here are some random missions using fanciful weapons or vehicles, while everything explodes"

What's the point when everyone ruins it with hipstamatic or some equivalent.

This just in: You are not entitled to anything. Get the fuck over it!

Chromatic aberration is the blue and green outline around objects when the lens is of lower quality.

Like what? You pick and choose what boards show up on the main page, the commenters are the same as here. The main difference is that the moderators aren't on an ego trip and the stories aren't bloated with unrelated anecdotes.

You should try out

If I was a PC Gamer, I would play on whatever server I wanted. I don't see why it's a big deal besides people making custom maps and gametypes which undercuts potential DLC. Then if I got banned I'd say 'Wrong move EA, looks like I'm pirating every game you make from now on and you've lost money while I reap the

Played like a true war reporter. Looking around and staying out of the action.

When's the part where he rails against video games not being art?

Self Entitled much?

What do you mean by West? The DPRK hates almost everyone except for Russia and China. The don't feed the prisoners anything and probably don't give them new clothes, so the costs are low. The energy to power the plant would be the most, and it's spotty as with the rest of the country. Why kill people able to work for

If you can't tell the difference, don't worry about it.

Yes I'm saying Halo 2 didn't use the full potential of the Xbox.