
Well Official Xbox Mag is just trolling now.

What I'm reading here is 'Herrrp, Derrrrp, I can't make an intelligible statement, Derrrp, There is no reason why I should have commented, I look like an idiot, I hope other internet people think I'm cool'

I thought about that, but then the cartels would just move north and spread out. They wouldn't have to worry about smuggling across an international border.

So statues are the new thing huh? I already have the Reach, Halo 3, and MW2 ultimate editions so I'm running out of room for plastic stuff. Plus the documents are just wasted paper.

When I first heard of the idea I imagined it looking like what the 50's thought the future would be. I'm sure it would be tiring if you had to walk around all day.

Did you rename the original minecraft.jar to something else? You can't have two of the same titled files.

Lets forget the fact that the only reason for buying these are "Hey they looked cool 23 years ago and had power laces!"

Well with the lead picture, just make them flying dogs!

Well while this has turned into a niceness dick measuring contest now I'll let everyone know I drove to South America to pick my friend up on Christmas just because I'm so nice. Doing something nice doesn't negate the fact that trolling your friend and the people looking for a car is an asshole move.

Sounds like it gets old when he does it "all the time" Plus his friends can't do anything back since they would get even worse retribution. Sounds like a Class 1 Asshole to me.

Kinda sad a fat ass zombie swinging a pipe around did so much damage.

The last paragraph sadly is a total lie. Every manager that has the space for these will call dibs and take it home a few weeks after its all over. Unless they're rental or something and have to be returned. Sad panda.

The only thing that makes me sad is that I don't have a computer that can play it, yet. Then I'll be sad since I'll have to buy it again since I'll be getting it on xbox first.

It baffles me Calderone just let them saunter all over the place and look through his stuff.

Well I'll just say be on the look out for wood iPhone 5's if you're in a Mickey D's parking lot.

A 4x4 is pulling it through the pulley on the end of the truck with a bungee cord. The tube hardly weighs anything and the bungee is stretched a good distance.

But watch any news report about violence in games and what comes up?

I just got into pc games when TF2 went free and it's been great so far. The mouse keyboard combo isn't such a problem as I thought it would be. The only downside I have is most of my friends are on Xbox so I can't talk to them at the same time (at least I don't think I can, are there cross platform xbox parties or

Actually I think anyone can take a tour if they want to. The people protesting for Half Life got in and got to play DOTA 2.

"Maybe I'm an OKCupid asshole for calling it that way." No, not really. You're just a straight up asshole. It's not like he brought the cards with him and was studying/asking to play on the date.