Not gonna say that I’m always right, but...
You’re right, they could definitely drop the file size if they just used textureless blocks instead. And get rid of all that audio too.
i am fairly sure that happens when your drive is fragmented and it’s moving stuff around so the game can be laid out contiguously
I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!
I’ve done Ark, Oath, Memories and Seven, and I played Wanderers a long time ago. I missed Origin’s PS4 and Vita release. I shall fix that once I am done with VIII.
It’s a legitimate question. I can’t speak for anyone else on the staff, but I’m generally against pre-ordering games because A) games are rarely hard to find anyway, and B) games have a good chance of shipping broken. I will personally pre-order hardware because oftentimes you’ll have a hard time getting it if you…
Sounds like this is what you want:
I wrote this article just for you:
Yes! But I’m highlighting this game (and, specifically, this documentary) here.
Early in Thimbleweed Park, a new graphical adventure game, a pair of pigeon-suited plumbers tell you not to worry…
And I don’t want to hear a voice that reminds me that the actor thinks my race is inherently violent and criminal.
Hey. Fuck you too.
Counter-point: No it isn’t. This is a reasonable repercussion.
I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way…
I hate you.
How soon before he and JonTron are running Breitbart’s Gaming section?
The NPCs have an insane amount of dialogue permutations. They all have one for each state of their daily schedule (working, walking to work, sleeping) and then a bunch of minor changes and alternate dialogue based on things like if it’s raining or if Link is naked.