Bruce Steever


What is easier to fix: vehicle design, or your take that humans won’t continue to be distracted or intoxicated because of your magical silver-bullet detailed as “better education.”

So there are multiple causes for this problem, so let’s not address the easier ones?

EVERY douchebro.

Victims, they deserve the blame, 100%.

You forgot the “/s”

And in response, TX and FL are authoring new “Big Trucks Only Kill People That Deserve It” laws that mandate taller grills with spikes on them.

Safety, certainly.

At this point, making fun of the Cybertruck is like beating up a child with special needs because they didn’t understand some basic thing that neurotypical folks take for granted.

Shoot, I’d hate for you to “loose” your cool in the classroom. But I’m sure those kids will deserve it when you snap, eh?

“Better than” more specifically.

You’ve obviously never interacted with someone from Newport Beach.

You win the internet today.

Missed the sarcasm. I’ll reset the baselines and try again.

Tell me you’ve never wrenched a day in your life, without saying you’ve never wrenched a day in your life.

Has he paid off his tools yet?

What does the word “hamburger” entail? Meat on a hamburger bun, maybe with some other stuff.

Hey, I just ran the thing, and our freelancers definitely found some weird shit out there. And if I had a dollar for every wallflower that sent us letters demanding we retest their snake oil BS products, I’d have, like, all these dollars.

My previous work (and also, me), pictured below:

Being a professional writer used to mean something.