Stride Mother


Happy McLaren F1 to everyone!

Merry Christmas identity theft target 563928 fellow human!

Everything's coming up Stride Mother!

Technically, it's 98$ but 88.20$ of that goes to your neighbor's mate as a finder's fee.

I thought I told you to stay off my turf.

Hey, you're not Stride Mother. I'm Stride Mother!

Unfortunately, there's no easy answer. It helps to work hard and study at a good school. But that's usually not enough. You also need industry contacts and a supportive social network. Being born into wealth and privilege is a big help. If you try really hard, you can get by. You probably won't get rich though.


This is not the right time, Mary. Go back to your room!

They're not for driving, you moron! You haven't even discovered the secrets of working for Google from home!

You're a neighbor's mate, at best.

Get off my turf, bitch.

Frequent beatings.

That wasn't a check, Maria, it was a statement of your student loan debt.

Because that's how Mama likes it.

I'm not paying you to open doors, Michelle.

She works hard, she plays hard.

That was surprisingly coherent, Catherine. Well done.
