Stride Mother

Don't joke about that.

Some say that a McLaren F1 is a Stride Mother's most valuable possession. The truth is that it's patience.

Don't worry, I'm here for you, son.

You're… me?

How so, little man?

Thou hast forsaken me the last, Kelly! Muffin-topped strumpet be thy name!

A wise decision.

Eleanora, get back to your room right now! The botnet is starting to fail, you need to spin up more nodes right now!

dolla dolla bills, y'all

Then maybe you should close those doors, Kathryn. You're letting a draft in.

Way to ruin it, Whovian. You'll get yours.

It really should be "Stridemotherboy XXX" if it's a metal band.

I'll ban you!

Your neighbor's stride mother? What the fuck are you on about, Virginia? You know goddamn well that you both share a stride mother. You are stride sisters, not just neighbors.

Go home, Susan. You're drunk.

You too, Amy?

Gee, thanks, Audrey. You're always boasting "Stride Mother" this and "4100 dollars" that to your online friends. But do you call me on Christmas? Of course not! So ungrateful.