
I want to preface my response by saying that I absolutely am strongly in favor of gay rights and think that under anti-discrimination laws, a baker should have to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple just as for any other couple. But this wasn’t a wedding cake, it was a cake with a specific message on it saying

Which is why to most people the former smoker is the most boring person in the room

Please never quit vamping. Good luck on cutting back on the vape life though.

I always thought I would quit smoking by the time I was 30 but now I’m 28 and that magical transition to adulthood and maturity and reponsibility still hasn’t happened to me and I’m rationalizing my ass off. ‘Well, shit, maybe I’ll have died of lung cancer by 30 and I won’t have to worry about quitting.’

I once had a table headed by a woman with a very thick Deep South accent and a few missing teeth. Try as I might I could not understand what she wanted to order. To avoid offense, I smiled brightly, explained to the whole table that I was a little hard of hearing, and asked if she wouldn’t mind writing down what she

So stupid. The reason their sales are plummeting is the same reason Lululemon etc sales are plummeting: they got too greedy. The price of the clothing has crept up while the quality has dropped drastically. I’m not spending $150+ on some paper-thin piece of sweatshop crap that will pill and unravel after two washes.

Seriously! Her style is “this would look terrible on you but it looks good on me because I’m thin and ironic.”

NO, THIS IS NOT WHY. The REASON is that you introduced a ton of new cropped pants in DECEMBER, forcing everyone with an inseam of greater than 28” to find somewhere else to buy work-appropriate pants, nevermind that ALL of your blouses, sweaters, tops, etc have been structured like weird, cropped boxes or ponchos. The

It’s crazy when doubling the price of literally everything you sell while halving the quality doesn’t result in higher sales.

We bought too much of the Tilly, which was a relative of the Tippi”

Jesus, this is false imprisonment. No wonder the contestants end up falling in love with the star, who is probably the only person who doesn't whip them when they ask for more porridge.

Oh she doesn’t think he is the perfect man. How could he have been? HE DIDN’T EVEN LIKE CHEESE.

In all seriousness, she knows he is a twat. He pushed the relationship forward, pushed past her own issues regarding commitment, told her he loved her, reassured her that he was in it for the long haul...and then when she

This is a photo from outside the Traverse City KFC in question. I am not kidding.

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

I have been married forever but I was also a bridge-burner.

There has to be a way to educate someone who pines for a wanker that he was simply one of those assholes who didn’t have the ‘nads to break up with her in an upfront way after she (evidently) was pressing him for X-Y-Z step. (S’rsly? “decided he couldn’t commit himself to her or anyone as he had to travel a lot with

I wouldn’t know because my ex is blocked on fb and from my life. He tried to ruin my career in the midst of our divorce (sent graphic naked pictures of me to all of my bosses and made false allegations about drugs and prostitution) and therefore is not allowed to have any personal information about me. I don’t even

I didn’t take it well when my ex-husband got remarried to my ex best friend. They even had a similar wedding to mine, complete with a 20’s theme and finger waves in her hair.

I met my husband through my ex, as we were all part of a group of friends in college. This isn’t a skeevy thing where I dumped my ex for my husband. I actually got dumped by the ex (who was my fiance at the time) and he actually suggested my husband and I hook up, because he thought since we were both overweight, we’d

There were 1500 comments on this week's post—there was no way to go through all of them. In the previous weeks I have read them all, and I do not automatically choose the most starred. This week's selection does not reflect the most starred or most replied-to, either.