
Just a little note to Rebecca - I had a friend who had this exact same experience, and was similarly raised in a Christian environment with attitudes toward sex identical to those you described. (I def think there’s a connection.) She visited a therapist and did exercises with the dilator too, and I think they helped.

This exact thing happened to me the last time I was on a plane and the woman looked at me SO ACCUSINGLY. Like it was my job to lock her damn door.


THANK YOU for this. Seems like everyone is an expert on the Amish all of a sudden, despite all the ways in which this family directly contravened Amish culture to create this awful situation ...


I am so so sorry for your loss ...

Yup I’m with you, went off it in November, big fucking nada (that’s my version of BFN :P ) so far. I’ve been tracking all my ovulation stuff too and I’ve only definitely ovulated two out of my five cycles. So yeah ... BC fucks you up! Sex drive is coming back though so I’m taking that as a good sign ... for more than

Seriously, you expect unlimited classes for $125? That’s insane. It’s like, rather than paying a fair price, you want the instructors whose classes you benefit from so much to starve while their studios struggle to stay afloat since they’re basically being gouged. ZERO sympathy here. I’d charge you $250 for unlimited,

Ummmm, Britain, hellllllloooooooooo ... They’re lucky they got that much.

I would have almost nowhere to where it - except, perhaps as loungewear? - but I adore it with all my heart. NO SHAME

haha omg recently read that too, and was just like damn. DAMN. this person has read my mind.

And that, my dear, is the point of athleisure. Nothing to do with working out or butt shaping, pssshhhh, get real. It’s an excuse to work, shop, and date in your sweaties. EMBRACE

Where did you buy your day-wedding dress, because I had literally the exact same situation a week ago (only difference being that I drooled on, rather than trying on, the excruciatingly overpriced ones), concluded that the world had become a barren and hideous place full of ugly things except for rich people, and

Legit squeaked out a sob before I realized it

You have distilled the essence of how I feel about him into a single sentence - bravo.

OH MY GOD ... brain broke ... is real?? whaaaaaaat

Um Texas Pete’s FTW! I lick that shit off my fingers.

Shirt 1 is on backward - you can see the tag through the fabric - and it is KILLING me. Does no one else see this??

Nothing more disturbing than mirrored shots, symmetry be damned

“never had this problem with past girlfriends” = most of your past girlfriends didn’t trust or respect you enough to be real during sex, i.e. they were FAKING IT. Dumbass. Not coincidentally, I’ve only heard this from guys whose actions showed they believe that women universally come from penetration only - no clit