
DAMN. You’re an artist

Rocket surgery yessssssssss

OMG that first line is everything.

OMG can i tell you how much I love your name

Dunno why, but this makes me sniffle a bit ...

Good thought!

I really hope the letter writer reads this column and takes it to heart, because it’s all so true. Especially the bits about toxic masculinity and CBT.

So, as a chick, there’s two types of advice we usually give/get on this. One of them is “Nothing drives out one nail like another,” i.e. find you a rebound and go at it. This can be quite healthy in the short term esp if your self-esteem needs a boost. The other is, “Grrrlll you need to date yourself for awhile.” This

OMG i am going to use this line

Yeah I’m gonna need to see a timeline from this guy

So, what’s that from because ... I could get into that

See also: Trump, Donald.

Yeah I really don’t get the confusion on this one; how does that NOT sound like a good life plan

Seriously, if they already had Thief 5 working with them, why the hell did they need to comb Instagram to figure out the identities of Thieves 1-4?

PLEASE tell me this is already a T-shirt. PPPPLLLLZZZZZZ

oh c’mon heeeeee’s troooollling youuu. “Barrow, AK, a place I once visited”? way too self-aware to be serious.

Stockings? So, you work in the 1950s???

Is it bad that I really, really want a set of four though??

Not when I orgasm, but when I kiss or go down on someone. It’s usually the same thing for the same action with the same person ... climbing a staircase inside a cathedral ceiling and zoo animals going in and out of a turnstile are the most common!

Please dear god, tell me the autopsy was or is being done independently. They’d best not just look for how she died but also signs of abuse ... external and internal. I’m horrified to think of what could have been the reason for this