
Even shorter: Wow, you totally misread or didn’t read the piece, because the author was born in endemic poverty in the Philippines and was eventually a foster child and a runaway, and her personal knowledge of being poor and hopeless makes her frustrated at the useless and self-perpetuating work of her nonprofit.

I actually printed Kate’s “crazy Nancy” valentines and gave them to friends as cards:

Then kid can starve, dang it

The solution to this is quite simple: don’t bring people to a wedding that are not invited. If they are not mentioned on the invitation, either by name or “and guest” or “and family,” they are NOT INVITED. Parallel to this, if you’re the one sending the invitations, address them to everyone you would like to come,

To be fair, the entire set of mugshots is mirrored left-right, so it’s essentially faked. Where there’s a tilt, you’ve got some with tiny foreheads and giant chins and v.v. It’s not like they’d be a bunch of lookers otherwise, but ...

That’s pretty much what they did. The entire set of mugshots is mirrored left-right, and not down the center line if there’s a tilt, which is why you’ve got some with tiny foreheads and giant chins and v.v. It’s not like they’d be a bunch of lookers otherwise, but essentially this “lineup” is faked.

THIS ONE works, I swear - it is kind of insanely fine and grippy. We’ve pulled off cat-sized balls of fur with it in 20 minutes’ brushing. Even our evil cat loves it and meows disturbing, throaty meows the entire time we’re brushing her with it.

Erin. Do you know why she doesn’t love you the way you dream? Or yearn for you the way she yearns for the springs beneath the stove?

ALL the knives

For all our sakes, please let nothing keep you from achieving this dream. And then post pics.

Is mezcal supposed to taste like that stupid worm, or did I just get a cheap bottle as my housewarming gift? Because I swear, I tried subbing it in for tequila in a margarita, and even when I held my nose while drinking, the aftertaste was straight up worm.

Interestingly, I had a similar situation semi-recently with a friend of mine ... not to the point where I thought I would lose her though - that’s very hard, for her and for you.

I feel for ya. But man, the time to tell her would have been six months after the breakup ... he’d have stopped being “the perfect man” preeeeeetty quickly ...

You do have to disrobe (to your knees), and pray the lock works right if you’re in the public restroom, because that would be way more awkward to get walked in on than usual...

Mark I think I love you, for how much that made me laugh. Don’t let that stop you from your wedding planning though. And DON’T be ridiculous, OBviously if you just do a Parisian 80’s prom theme and throw in a few baguettes, Allen will come right around. He’s handed you the fucking golden key, don’t lose it!!!!!!

And what a crappy party for him! You both got gypped

Ugh, I hope you’ve found a substitute family that appreciates you - warm friends would do nicely. That seriously sucks though and is totally unacceptable - you’re worth so much more!

That’s awful! Call him on it!!!

I’m not gonna lie, I kind of love this. It would be so delightful in a movie.

Yes but would you have pegged her as the Mother of Dragons???? Because I sure would ... Hail to the queen!