
You say that like GETTING EGG ROLLS ANYWHERE is a bad thing


Here's the biggie - if you don't already have a credit card (or can use another), find one that gives mega miles for signing and get that. The big deals seem to last for a few months each but there are sites that do regular round-ups or alerts when there's a big one going on. I got 50K for signing up for the card I

And they bellyache about “why don’t more women want to go into engineering” ...

Thank you SO MUCH for quoting that line, I almost missed it. Comedic gold ... for us dark types

Don’t be too disappointed, I listened to half the audiobook and found the characters and their spats riveting. Had to return it ... will report back on level of depressing once finished.

Poor kid! Assuming she's real, I hope somebody on that forum told her that life's too short to let yourself be miserable in a job, whether you're an accountant or a supahstah. Also, that she should get a good financial planner, figure out what level she wants to live at (and her family), and whether she can do that

People SINK on boats.

Agree. If anything, the before shots have the softer lighting - look at the level of contrast in the backgrounds in the after shots, not just the overall brightness. But I agree that this is probably pure coincidence, and given that most of the shots are all face and that the faces are reflecting the light so very

Um. Have you BEEN near the Target non-plus section lately? All they're selling is this shapeless basic shit ... plus some native-print vomit shirts with lace stuck on in odd places ... I certainly hope that it's not the latter whose absence she rues.

omg you made me remember how much i used to enjoy beaton when she updated regularly

ITP ftw

Agree ... and is the knife necessary??

Never tasted vegetables before, OBVI

Knew it!!!

You're just brilliantly satirizing the standard humorless responses now, aren't you.

I'm pretty sure the word "ex-boyfriend" in the article is a pretty big tip-off in this case as well.

Whatever, he could've told you when he cancelled. Not your bad.

That sucks hard. So glad you're better!

Generally I'm sure what you say is true. However, in this instance it's clear from throughout the podcasts that this was a primarily black neighborhood and school. So Jay was just the "bad, black guy" who deals drugs, etc. It wasn't like he was the only guy of color that Adnan knew.