
No, sorry, that's stupid. Because if white people that are unengaged in the issue don't see other white people caring and doing something about it, they're going to think, at best, that it's a "black issue" that they don't have to care about. We get pissed all the time about men leaving feminism to women, as if their

How do you feel about pumpkin spice lattes?

Oh my god it's the best ever. It was salty + sweet before salted everything was a thing.

See what you did there ...

I actually did make this one from Pinterest (although from a far more appetizing picture, obvi) and I assure you, it was quite tasty. Of course I left off the corn and the green beans, because WHY, and added in a few diced tomatoes and caramelized onions so it was more like a hamburger and tot casserole, ya know.

This is the best thing I have heard in my entire life

I AM American and I am too :(

The cover was pulled because of a huge backlash. THERE IS HOPE FOR THE WORLD.

Yeah unfortunately, I wouldn't have touched this book with a ten foot pole with a cover like that - and I'm smack dab in the middle of its target audience. Exactly WHERE do publishers get the idea that pink, trite, cartoony covers with tacky fonts are beguiling to women? And we wonder why book sales in

Red peppers ruin lives. Spread the word.

"I've sent men on suicide missions in two wars now, and let me tell you something. It don't make a godsdamn bit of difference whether they're riding in a Viper or walking out onto a parade ground. In the end, they're just as dead." - Colonel Tigh, in BSG.

I fucking hope so. And they'd better steal your joke and name it that.

Grits ... yeeeeeerrrrrrrrmmmmmm. Git it, Georgia.

Mmmmm, talk dirty to me.

Dude, your idea of an arty night out could use some work!

But where does one buy over-the-knee boots for less than $200?!?! Also, ones that aren't just to-the-knee boots with a fortifying wall sticking up in front of the knee, because that's just rubbish

Seriously, Murtog! I thought the same thing. Although, good for hubby that he didn't, I guess ...

Gretchen, stop trying to make bugs happen! They're not going to happen!

He'd better eat her ... assuming things get that far ...