I feel the same way sometimes, so I just capitalize on the whole Napoleon complex thing and steamroll everybody! Works cuz I'm so cute :P
I feel the same way sometimes, so I just capitalize on the whole Napoleon complex thing and steamroll everybody! Works cuz I'm so cute :P
The very concept of this study just proves that all of you tall people are out to get us!!!!!
It does for some.
Read other people's comments, especially about having hallucinations, panic attacks, and disassociations. Pot can be a hell of a lot more powerful than caffeine - and the rohypnol comparison is apt.
Can't believe this isn't higher up. Give it ALL THE STARS
I've got the same issue - in fact I think we're in the majority, less than 40% of women even CAN orgasm from P-in-V intercourse alone! And I always mention that fact when telling guys I'm not one of those women. The thing is, I don't have to have an orgasm to feel really incredible during sex - and I am always sure to…
I never orgasm during sex either and I usually don't even bother telling them till afterward ... I'm very expressive throughout the experience, but I've never faked one. If they ask whether I came (and they usually do) I always just say, "no, but I can't during sex only - in fact only about 40% of women even can - but…
"Just A Soupcon Extra Of Shuteye Darling" Will someone PLEASE make an alarm that says this on the button. Stocking stuffer!
Dear god THANK you. Every time I read more of this "cultural appropriation" bullshit I think, here's one more person who is so hung up on racial issues that they can't see the people that make up the culture. For all of human history, culture is exchange - that's how it changes and grows, and how people learn about…
(Yawn.) That's right, because cutting back on the objectification would DEFinitely ruin it for all the lez and bi chicks in the audience. Oh, and sex is a primal urge? Thanks Freud, that's groundbreaking.
You don't. I think some people are unaware that when peeing in the woods, standing or leaning are poor options compared to hiking your clothes around your knees and squatting all the way down. There's a reason most of Asia does it.
INFP: Riesling. Omg I pretty much only drink this wine.
So - send a response, meet them, and then you'll know. Less time than you'd spend playing audience to some douche-bro at a bar till you can get rid of them. The point of online dating is to get offline as quickly as possible so you know whether to bump 'em or dump 'em.
Seriously though I might start cooking just so I'll have an excuse to read your recipes ...
I'm dying at how fuckin' hilarious you are. Never stop.
Brilliant, really. And "existential restlessness" certainly hits the nail on the head.
And the winner of the "Heartless" award goes toooooooo ..................
Nope dude, ya just need some product. Correction: a lot of product, and second-day hair. The nice thing is the product will absorb the extra oil, so your hair will just seem fluffier than usual but not dirty.
You are spending WAY too much time trying to justify the handshake. Just admit it - touching someone you don't know well is, in fact, weird and awkward! I'm 30 and I still loathe it. What purpose does it even serve? I'm in an office conference room, nobody needs to grab my fingers to test my strength or know I'm not…
You are spending WAY too much time trying to justify the handshake. Just admit it - touching someone you don't know well is, in fact, weird and awkward! I'm 30 and I still loathe it. What purpose does it even serve? I'm in an office conference room, nobody needs to grab my fingers to test my strength or know I'm not…