
No way dude. At my "real job," mind you, if they find we've worked beyond our 40 hours they strongly encourage us to comp those hours by taking off an equivalent amount at a non-peak time. My last job too. Yeah, everybody has to warm a desk chair sometimes, but not when you're essentially working overtime during

No way dude. At my "real job," mind you, if they find we've worked beyond our 40 hours they strongly encourage us to comp those hours by taking off an equivalent amount at a non-peak time. My last job too. Yeah everybody has to warm a desk chair sometimes, but not when you're essentially working overtime during

Oh sweetie. Did you even LOOK at the breasts you're promoting? I did the suggested Google search, said "SHIT, those are some amazing boobs," and then cross-checked to the post above. Tear-drop-shaped? Check. Hang down when facing downward? Check. Subject to gravity? Check. Basically, they look just like a (slightly

I think when one says "I like everything but rap" it usually means "I don't really care about music that much, but popular rap actively offends me." Which is COMPLETELY legitimate given the misogyny and violence of so much that makes it onto the airwaves.

Haha my friend always said her dogs smelled like Fritos! I thought it was just her ...

Omg I'm like this with cats too - I tell mine he's my little buttered biscuit and I threaten to put a slice of ham on him and gobble him up. My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy. Cat doesn't seem to feel threatened though

Have ever heard of the studies that show that smiling when you don't feel like it actually ends up giving you a mood bump? Body language expresses how we feel, but it can work the opposite way too. And in situations with a power differential, the behaviors noted above are on display all the time. It makes perfect

The sentence immediately following the quote is incorrect. According to the linked article, she had the baby in the bathroom, killed it, and both were then taken to the hospital where the baby was determined dead and she was placed in custody.

No, I don't think your comment was travel-hating - I was more using it as a springboard to address the fact that mentioning that you enjoy travel on a dating site does not have to be some classist thing. But I ultimately agree with you - a lot depends on the KIND of travel you've done. If you're a resort-only kind of

Although I've not read the actual question itself, I still gotta ask - doesn't anyone else on here NOT CARE that travel happens to sometimes be a class marker? Mentioning travel on a dating site isn't code for "I have money," it's code for "I have been to countries outside my own," and ideally, it's also code for "so

I too used to pooh-pooh the thought of a dermatologist. I had lovely skin till about three years ago (I'm 30), and then started getting these random zits. Did all this at-home stuff and became INSANELY anal about my facial cleanliness and de-zit-ifying routine. Had some minor successes but the general trend was

That's exactly why it happens. Hair grows in cycles, so at any given point about a third of your hair is growing, a third is resting, and a third has fallen out and the follicle is dormant. The reason people's hair can't grow beyond a certain point is because of the length of their cycle (probably genetically

Wahhhhh everything you say is truuuuuue

Are you actually THE internet Hulk - the one who writes movie reviews? If so - AWESOME. If not, you do a damn good impression.

Canada is REAL!?!?!?

"Prostitution corps" is an awfully innocent-sounding euphemism for "sex slavery" ...

Stroke. Of. Genius.

"It hurts, stop" are words that every child knows. The point isn't that poor communication or inexperience makes abusive sex your fault (it doesn't, obvs). The point is that if you are not confident enough in yourself and/or comfortable enough with another person to communicate the most urgent of needs, you aren't

Yes, sweetheart, it does. If no means no, then yes means yes (if it isn't coerced). Other people aren't mind-readers, and acting as though they should be muddies the waters on every discussion of sexual assault.

Seriously. My best friend has the prettiest nose I've ever seen and she's Latina - and I can't imagine anyone seeing it as a "white" nose. I and my round button nose envy it all the time.