Oh. My. God. A first date once described his workplace (intentionally, I'm sure) as "nucking futs." It ... I ... so painful.
Oh. My. God. A first date once described his workplace (intentionally, I'm sure) as "nucking futs." It ... I ... so painful.
There ARE girls who go to bars hoping to meet somebody cool. Partly depends on the bar - but I have a happily married friend who met her hub at a known "pick-up bar," so you never know. There are ALSO girls who will ruthlessly abuse the typical bar dynamic to get drinks, literally walking around the room demanding a…
The fact that this is an article at all, and that a shit-ton of people are expressing shock and horror in the comments section, should tell you you're dead wrong about this being usual in Western culture.
What I meant was, that's pretty extreme behavior from anyone, and it sounds like he has some kind of problem. Or, since "all the introverts" she's dated "have been like this," sounds like she's a person who shouldn't date introverts.
No dude it sounds like crippling social anxiety. No need to be mean about it.
I'm an introvert - I hoard my alone time and have been accused of being a shut-in by my also-introverted boyfriend - and I am exactly like your wife. I can be made to agree to a social event well in advance, but will dread it more and more the closer it gets, climaxing in full "I don't wanna" mode in the half hour or…
It depends on how you say it. Americans use it too - if you say "Not bad!" with upraised eyebrows and an either thoughtful or faintly surprised expression, it probably means "well what do you know, I'm actually kind of impressed." If you say "Not bad ..." with a downward inflection, as if meant to be followed by…
Hellz no, damn upstarts.
Yeah, there was a whole follow-up about how their apparent similarity was really more a result of makeup + heavy photoshop and Asian soap-opera-y camera filters than plastic surgery. Get with it.
These comments are the best thing I've read this month. People are frikkin hilarious. High fives all around!
Haha my BFF called her dog "baloney" and then her boyfriend. I put my foot down when she started calling me that.
Oh so many best friend nicknames! My fave is "weasel" which has degenerated into "weaselface" "weezy" "weez" and "weezeloopita"
My fave pet pet-names are compounds. Like "darling baby muffin angel MONster!" or "Pupperoofereenie."
If that were true, I'd say it has far more to do with the fact that men don't feel the same need to live up to unrealistic expectations of attractiveness that women do, so they don't work hard at it. I can't tell you how many ex-frat guys I've seen with tremendous beer guts and thin, well-coiffed, perfectly made up…
He impersonated her. Also, you think it's FUNNY for sexed-up strangers to show up at your door, and you have to be the one to tell them no? The fact that the guy hung around till the police showed up makes the danger of the situation clear.
Yup. Or you're just lucky. Or they didn't tell you. I don't know a single woman that did NOT suffer at least some diminishing of her sex drive when she started the pill. Also ... see all deez comments??
I don't think it's out of line at all. I used to be on one of those sites and, as a woman, you wade through so much spam and BS as it is - the last thing you want is your inbox filling up with delusional old guys looking to score some hot young ass. As if.
One looking 14ish and the other looking 30 doesn't tip you off?
Not at all. But it's not as though there aren't enough "girly-girl" Disney princesses already - why try to glam up this rapscallion?
Hon, I have no idea what hate you may or may not get on here for admitting that you work to be thin - but I say MORE POWER to ya for laying your neurotic life bare in such detail - and OWNING it! In a weird way it makes me feel better about my extra 5 because you know what? I like happy hour and a few bites of baked…