
So what is it like working at Langley? Do your older co-workers talk about Phoenix?

Just admit that he got the US good and that arresting him doesn’t help the US in any way.

And he can’t pronounce “sabotage” right if a gun were pressed to his head....

They weren’t called the Sweat-hogs for nothin’.....

Yes, but the big question is: “Are any of the cast members rapists of any kind?”

Everybody talks about Slater, but nobody will do anything about the fact that Glenn Beck raped and killed a girl in 1990. When does that Mormon marshmallow pay for his crime?

Flatulence inspector?

Mr. O’Neal.... all of this is the beginning of the end of the old skeezy Hollywood, but this period of general mistrust might sink the ship, especially if the names named are executives at the major studios (Weinstein did not exist in a vacuum.) There are certain studios within a hairsbreadth of collapse (cough *Sony*

.....if it happens fast enough they call it the “Papal Slide.”

Ben Garrison?

And now we are in mid November, and Cartoon Network decided to dump the next six episodes online instead of doing them as weekly episodes. They (the CN chieftans) need to admit that they have treated their best show like absolute refuse.

2016-2017: The Flaming Bag of Shit Left on Your Doorstep Years

NOW shit is getting serious.

Then make Revenge of the Nerds jokes instead.

“Suck it harder or I will keep on taking about this plan for a film I want to do called Krippendorf’s Tribe!”

Oh, yes, Gawker was the problem, not the bitter billionare with a massive chip on his shoulder who financed Terry Bollea’s suit after the Hulkster ran out of cash.

Death Wish 27: Murdering ABC’s TGIF Cast