
It certainly broke The A.V. Club......

This show was implausible fun BS* before Trump was elected, and now we have this alternate universe where the White House isn’t a flaming alley dumpster....and it’s becoming a show I made armpit noises about a while ago, The Worst Wing, but with this Jason Bourne horseshit in the background. The most insane thing

Wow....I thought America’s Sex Uncle was going to rocket off to Mars with an army of hot chicks in a year, not die in Trump’s America(tm).

Harry Knowles: where Man meets Orangatan meets Skeezo.

Reality is stranger than fiction, sometimes.

How did they pry Chevy Chase from his Motherfuckers Anonymous meetings?

He shot movies like that for booze money, because he was a hopeless alcoholic by the time Nixon was in office.

They got odd erections as teenagers when Cap’n Kirk and Spock dressed in SS uniforms on the Nazi planet.

Here, you want the shooting script?

Pure shitbaggery in the Hollywood tradition of funnymen who were dickish to their loved ones.

So we have to inflict the Ghost of Leonard Pierce’s Career on Knowles for balance?

He needs 15 years creating lead-lined underground bunkers in Siberia for storing Soviet nuclear waste, someplace far away from a water table and frigid at night even in the summer. I don’t trust him to move the nuclear waste, just being in a chain gang building the places the waste will be stored.

To modify a song lyric belted out by Bob Geldof as a phantasmal fascist dictator: “....If I had my way, I’d have Milo-o SHOT!”

This is like a bizarre reversal of the old US Navy prank called “The Phantom Shitter” where a junior officer would crap somewhere onboard, and then begin sending anonymous notes that other excrement would be found in this spot or that. Every piece of crap was pooped to be found.

But Disqus was full of rightwing throwaway accounts; I still use Disqus and I’ve gone back to look at some of the people I would argue with, and they did maybe six or ten posts and then quit (the rightwing powerusers all have thousands of posts and their histories are all private). Either Kinja and Disqus are shot

Blame....the Kinja!

I’m still getting updates from stuff I wrote in 2012, and I’m still on Disqus as well so I could cross-reference stuff very slowly if I wanted to. On Disqus I wrote 5957 comments and achieved 9393 upvotes, but not all of that was on the A.V Club. Now on Kinja I have no idea how many upvotes I have gotten, because

But Geezer Rock is what Rolling Stone is known for!

The Kinjafication of this site has robbed the A.V. Club of its identity and made a soup of all the others.

With the A.V. Club’s luck it will be Univision, and Rolling Stone will be dragged into this sprawling THX-1138 prison of white on white.