
Rogue One, the happytime fun film!

All I can think is two guys intoning into microphones: “Deep Hurting....Deep Hurting.”

I got a Podmass Best Show notification for this?

Until Marty showed up with Guacola, that is.

Blame the high-end weed growers; that kind of low-grade stuff that cut the mustard 10-15 years ago has been replaced by levels of shit that would give the fictional Skullbustium a run for it’s money.

Kinja is the worst commenting system I’ve seen ever, expect for maybe that one they tested on The A.V. Club five or six years ago. That we now get an influx of chuds every time something political is written about is a direct result of being on Kinja and having to share the commenting system with 10-plus other

I was thinking that was going to happen, especially because I live in a state where selling is legal and we now have ten jillion collectives.

Emojis are the wet fart of the Internet.

Emojis are the wet fart of the Internet.


Grey Wolves should make it a toast to scream “GORKAAA” like James Adomian.

To remind us all that Univision may secretly swing to the Right?

That he went from Libertarian stand-up comedian to Nazi encapsulates the history of American Libertarianism backwards, because most of the first generation of Libertarian promoters in the 1950s had been shills for the various Nazi/fascist/farthest-Right groups during the 1930s, where they were fighting the New Deal

Not enough mentions of James Adomian’s hilarious Sebastian Gorka impression, where he is both clueless and getting more menacing every time he calls “Mr. Chapo.” He is their dark Philly Boy Roy, and I hope we get more of him before the real Gorka is kicked to the curb.

I hope all the comments are re-attached.

I wish I could both up and down-vote but whomever is running Kinja for The AV Club doesn’t trust the commenters at all. I can’t deal with the AVOCADO because of Aleppo and how I was the only one willing, when Elie Wiesel died, to tell the truth about the guy (how his book Night had been written before in Yiddish and

“Don’t fuck Nazis.

I'm on the fence on this show - the ideas are interesting, but the amount of damage Rick causes gives it a "train wreck" quality I'm queasy with.

My only response: a country rock album called Crushin’ Puppies for Jesus by Clem Fartoword (pron. “fartwerd”).