
Certainly a flick like The Killing of Satan* suffers when it's chopped down to two minutes of bits, but I've noticed they are doing less and less of those in favor of making weird pastiches out of old VHS home movies. They have my respect for making Defenstration the Movie, which is nothing but clips from movies of

Well, they did say that their computers with the work in them had been stolen, so that's a good excuse.

It was the '80s, there was no Internet. Had Hollywood or Italy called, he could have dodged the stink of Godfrey Ho early on….I mean, nobody remembered that Harrison was in that "fake American" Filipino action flick Blood Debts (1983), that is, until Red Letter Media reviewed it.

How are they obnoxious? They take the dross American video producers make and turn it into absurdist art.

The only problem with doing that is the reuse of footage with actor Richard Harrison got to a point where it wrecked Harrison's career because he was "starring" in multiple films he didn't sign up for.

That's because his editing and camerawork is so expressive it negates the drama, but then his films stand out because of those qualities. On the other hand, I would not want to see this film be shot in the style of Andy Warhol's Vinyl either.

I'd want a guy like Corneliu Porumboiu, the Romanian director of 12:08 East of Bucharest and Police, Adjective, somebody who can be understated with the camera. Oliver Stone gave us Natural Born Killers.

But they would joke it up - we need a director who can shoot it like it was a drama, but the characters provide all the comedy through all the stupid stuff they do and say.

Yes, and they use forced perspective to make him look shorter. It could be the role of Cera's career.

Gary Busey plays "utterly insane" better, also his age would be comedically jarring.

I wish Stanley Kubrick was still around to shoot this; Wes Anderson is too twee…..doing it as a fake documentary like Bob Roberts would be too much of a distraction. We need deep widescreen so that these characters can chew scenery.

I have this theory that r/The_Donald is actually smaller than it looks, and that there is this ever-growing base of sockpuppets accounts and 'bots (Reddit allows both) underneath the cadre of true users of that subreddit. It's hard to tell because The_Donald has some of the most repressive rules on Reddit, making it

On Bannon, I have to use that A Charlie Brown Kwanzaa quote again: "Of all the mothafuckest on Earth, you the mothafuckest."

Russia ruined Napoleon's ambitions; hopefully Russia will be the stumbling block Trump et. al. fall over and into long jail stretches. Uncle Vova will not be pleased.

He is the Napoleon of meat sweats!


Neither of them poll well; Trump has this shrinking fan base, but Mike Pence is a complete nobody outside of Indiana, and he's not really liked there either (his governorship was a train wreck).

I think we have hit the rock bottom that the American democratic republic can give us. The only way it can get worse is if Trump goes dictator, and I think that's impossible because Donald Trump is not really interested in the job as the job, he just wants the prestige.

Everybody thought George W. Bush was going to be this one-term fratboy president, then September 11th happened. Bush had the evil genius of Dick Cheney, Trump has nobody.

Trump is a total outsider; Reagan was in the GOP from the early 1950s, had run California as a student protestor-hating Republican governor in the 1960s. His White House was filled to the brim with people who shielded the man from dealing with the press. Trump had an anti-campaign with very few staffers, his White