Strega Nona the Weed Witch

Andy Cohen has been on my “White Gays Shit-List” for a really long time.

One time my friend Rebecca and I were driving in the car (circa 2005) and she turned to me and said, “ What is R- Kansas?” and I looked at her v confused for about 2 minutes until it dawned on me and I replied, “Do you mean fucking Arkansas?”

You know what’s more terrible than the police not taking this case seriously?

Always back the horse named self-interest, son. It’ll be the only one trying.

Maybe this can penetrate the racist conservative fucking racist mindset. Don’t care about the lives of anyone who doesn’t look just like you? It’s gonna cost you money, assholes. Help us change policing to save your wallet if you can’t bring yourself to do it out of basic humanity.


For the first time in my life, I have FIRST HAND CELEBRITY GOSSIP!!!! My boyfriend was at a restaurant in LA and he sat next to a pretty famous actor and his non-famous wife and their extended family and she was totally pregnant and this is not public knowledge at all, and I just had to share it with someone because

Um. According to you.

If January Jones chain smoked in silence around me I would consider that the best party I had ever been to this source is an idiot.

“If Harley got something from Joker, she’d probably cherish it,” Robbie told the magazine, adding that she feeds Rat Rat organic berries from Whole Foods.

I’ve decided that if I paid bills there, I lived there.

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that Fowley is dead, so folks feel a need to channel their anger at someone tangible, if you will. It is unfair and gross behavior.

Ruby would make a cute couple w almost anyone, tho

Thank you for this perspective. It sucks that these girls were all played off one another and even to this day scars of that remain.

I feel this. I’ve never had the money to travel, even though I would love to, and now that I have dogs my husband and I can’t just pick up and go away for 3 weeks at a time, I don’t even have that much PTO in a year, and my family lives far away as it is.

I’ll be in my bunk.