
These aren’t mutually exclusive, you judgmental ass. And i was trying to generate a bit of dark humor, but since that was obviously lost on you, let’s examine, shall we?

You can’t drive while drunk or on heavy painkillers but booze is legal and so are painkillers if you have a prescription.

You can’t drive while you’re drunk and people still do it. What point are you trying to make?

Interesting in that it seems to be a parody of the old Black Flag “Police Story” Single Album I won’t link it for obvious reasons.

Let’s just say it wasn’t appreciated by the law when it was on a T-shirt of a nameless skateboarding teen in So Cal.  Lost a good deck to an asshole with a badge that day...

Since all Black people have a collective “hivemind,” they all at once got on the phone and called the Central Park 5 and got their take on it.

“I probably will do it, maybe definitely,”

All of these apps are available on Google Play.

Crazy idea: The next Doctor should be Rowan Atkinson.

Occam’s razor seems like it should be coming into play here.

Big difference between “he’s a sack of trembling orange flesh because he’s ruining the country and flouting the law” and “grrr Obummer, that black guy”

Yeah I agree - AP Stylebook says he should be referred to as “A decaying scarecrow stuffed with old pornography”.

“And the tendency of the private utility companies that run the plants to store the partially-spent fuel rods by the hundreds in tanks that were designed to hold dozens of rods instead.”

Damn straight- that’s excellent! I will be doing this. Grand idea. I shall gird my firmly socialist loins and and join the PCs.

I had a GF once who used to have really bad periods (cramps, headaches, etc) and she swore that period sex made her feel better. Anyone else have this happen to them?

My favorite part of this whole trope was back during like, spring of 2016, when he was insisting that the wall would be so high!! It would be so, so high and tall, there would be no way anybody could ever get to the top. And then the tiny piece of brain that usually rattles around loose in his skull must have

There’s already hundreds of tunnels used by drug traffickers so this will surely fix that problem.

And what are the odds that if Trump builds a 10 foot wall, the only company in Mexico that builds 12 foot ladders is owned by Trump?

Is anybody else worried that eventually, this wall is going to be used to keep us here?

Perhaps offset by cheaper shipping costs.