
Throw the disingenuous MFer off an Exxon tanker and tell him he needs water to live.

Thank you for this ‘hepped up on goofballs’ take on the subject.

Yup, scrolled the comments to see if anyone else saw it was a Black Flag / Raymond Pettibon rip. 

She look like a soggy John Denver

I’ve rinsed chicken that had a light ‘surface funk’ and it was fine. I was also using it in a (pressure cooked) curry, which is kinda of what curry was invented for (ie: making ‘off’ meat palatable prior to the invention of refrigeration).

So....would the subject ‘see’ infrared wavelengths even with their eye lids closed? Cause that might suck

You’d honestly compare people’s lives with a new 4k TV? Tell me, what is a fair market price when the alternative is suffering and/or death? The fuck is wrong with you?

They should at least get paid as much as the average sanitation worker cause...that’s what they are. Bags of garbage at least won’t give you PTSD (I’m probably going to regret typing that aren’t I?).

Hi, dummy here; yeah that sock on it’s back is weird but what’s with the 10 legs?

I’m trying to figure out who Technics thinks their target market is at that price point. It certainly isn’t high end audio snobs who tend to avoid DD tables. Plus the Pioneer PLX-1000 is under $1000 and practically identical in looks and quality (other than the potential for “cogging” which i have never experienced). that’s how they work.....neat.

“the throttle getting stuck open just isn’t a thing, plus you could make that argument about literally any motorized object.”

Counter Counterpoint: Uphill is where you get your exercise. The very idea of ‘Brakes on a skateboard’. When that throttle sticks you’re going to have a very bad day and probably a lawsuit.

  • Definitely cooler than a hoverboard or Segway but not as cool as a real longboard

“Seventy-six fires are actively burning across California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. Montana, with 21, and Oregon, with 18, top the list. Of these fires, only one is currently contained.”

He looks like a castrated Scott Stapp. 

The Anal _______ game. Usually played with Motor homes but works great with all vehicles. Simply put the word Anal in front of the names and viola’: Anal Bounder. Anal Torrent. Anal Explorer. etc.

People who refuse to accept the trans community inevitably try to dismiss their identities as a mental illness. If there is anyone on here reading this who shares that opinion, I’ll briefly indulge you only if you consider the following. This ‘illness’ is 100% treatable. Just let the ‘patients’ identify they way they