Thank you for this ‘hepped up on goofballs’ take on the subject.
Thank you for this ‘hepped up on goofballs’ take on the subject.
Yup, scrolled the comments to see if anyone else saw it was a Black Flag / Raymond Pettibon rip.
She look like a soggy John Denver
I’ve rinsed chicken that had a light ‘surface funk’ and it was fine. I was also using it in a (pressure cooked) curry, which is kinda of what curry was invented for (ie: making ‘off’ meat palatable prior to the invention of refrigeration).
“Seventy-six fires are actively burning across California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. Montana, with 21, and Oregon, with 18, top the list. Of these fires, only one is currently contained.”
He looks like a castrated Scott Stapp.
The Anal _______ game. Usually played with Motor homes but works great with all vehicles. Simply put the word Anal in front of the names and viola’: Anal Bounder. Anal Torrent. Anal Explorer. etc.
unrelated observation: the cartoonist has never fired or held a rifle.
Can’t wait for the follow up video, ‘Getting WD-40 smell out of your Carpet’.
Maybe they could get their hands on some of that fentanyl stuff. That said I hear it’s pretty scarce and expensive and only fatal in high doses
Now that they come in black I might start rocking a Face Diaper.
Join the PCs and vote every far right authoritarian wingnut / opportunist running for leadership out of the party. membership $15 a year.
Oh yeah, i have an ex that said it helped her symptoms. She got really turned on during her cycle (and likewise so did i). it was fantastic.
not to mention over 40% of illegals got in by plane and just overstayed their visas.
“I just don’t understand why the editors of the show deliberately cherry-picked as many boring, walking around, non-combat scenes as possible.”
In the early 80s my small town high school elected a developmentally challenged student with the nickname ‘Figbar’ as school president. It was the underachiever / burnout middle finger to the school and the preps and keeners salivating for the position.
Is that a ballsack or reverse penetration?
I’m in. Though it was a grind I still enjoyed the co-op underground missions etc. While I agree a good chunk of the player base have moved on I’m banking there’ll be enough die-hard fans to keep it fun. If the patch is solid at the very least it’ll build interest and good will for a Division 2.