Streetlight Person

"Evil German Techno" for me :)

What you are proposing is impossible to achieve in a 2-party system. You will always have the incumbent and a person from the other party, and everyone would rather vote for the person from their own party, i.e. the incumbent, unless the electoral demographic changes significantly (so incumbents like Nancy "Dirty

Even non-renters have this issue in California. Some zip codes only have one provider to "choose" from.

Walter White?

Queue electric company lobbyists



How about being smart and fit? There are 24 hours in a day, use them wisely :)

It's pretty much a fact. If you work out you have higher levels of testosterone (meaning your are 'ready to go' 14 times a week), you last longer, and you can engage in more adventurous positions that require core strength.

to be so lucky, you first gotta get lucky

I got rid of TV 3 years ago = $100 a month savings. Missed it for the first month, and never since. Not trying to sound snobby, but it seriously feels like most people keep their TV around because 'we are supposed to have a TV in our house' and not for any other reason.

Japanese TV > American TV

I never realized the honey crystals can be perceived as a problem, and have, in fact, found them to be quite delicious with a nice crunchy texture.


How can you be laid off for 8 months? You're laid off ONCE and then you're unemployed for 8 months. But on a more serious note, this story about your classmate's mother-in-law has really inspired me - maybe I, too, could make $12987 just working on the internet for a few hours? I'm on the internet basically all of the

Thou it might be wet

To everyone who read this until the end and is now understandably depressed - cheer up! It's Friday :)

Perfect for smokers who live in windy cities: