Bad Billy Pratt

Looks like they really lei'd into him.

Hardly, the Giants even opened a team store in A's territory of Walnut Creek. I wish someone would burn it down.

Listening to some retro 80's synth as I happened upon this post. And man, makes me wish, if Rockstar made a sequel set in the 80's, in the spirit of Vice City and influenced by the likes of Ferris Bueller and the Breakfast Club, oh sweet Jesus what a game that would be!!

Prosecutors remain baffled at the fact that of all the people surveyed, they can't seem to find a Patriots fan who began following the team before 2001.

Denver needs to win a superbowl before Elway starts this sort of self aggrandizing talk. He's clearly putting the cart before himself.

Also buried on WWE RAW? Cesaro, Dolph Ziggler, and Dean Ambrose.

This is really tasteless, Barry. That man just had his home broken into.

Now playing

Over the road racing. Above the road? Under the road? Who knows?!

Oh you poor naive soul.

Cancer took the wrong ESPN employee.

As a Republican, Curt should be less concerned with where his votes are coming from and more concerned with suppressing them.

Leave it to a creationist to start making shit up.

Scott was "using language that most of the audience didn't understand, and it had to stop," Olbermann recalled the executive as saying.

I know Olbermann has given ESPN a lot of grief during his time but man, when he gets it right, he gets it right.

Good news is that the UPD and Tallahassee PD are investigating, so the criminals will be brought swiftly to justice.

Looks like Billy's still got it. Of course, you can't really lose genital herpes.

Dude, His second step was the classic Andre the Giant walking over a dude's stomach move.

Of course it was Carmelo keeping him from throwing another punch. God forbid somebody else take a shot, for once.