Bad Billy Pratt

I liked Heaven Is A Ghost Town but yeah... I agree.

So what happens if he goes to Oakland and wants to "kick the shit" out of the opposing team?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Therefore these media people are insane.

Christ, his bit was old 10 years ago. Enough already!

Saw Chappell do it. Life imitates art.

Here's a "stock" photo for ya.

No hashtag will ever be as unfortunate as this one.

NFL GMs would have to be dumber than Jameis to draft him.

I wasn't surprised by anything Punk said. His comments only reaffirmed what people like Jim Cornette have been saying about the WWE for years.

As someone who has watched NASCAR my entire life, I hate the Chase. I've hated it since it was introduced and I hate this current system even more. The only problem with the old system was that winners weren't awarded enough points. That was the only change that needed to be made. The thing is the majority of NASCAR's

I expect nothing less from Jay Schroeder.

Refs must have been honoring JoePa...

Even so, remarkable handwriting!

When in Rome...

Wall mounted keyboards. It must be the FUTURE!!!