
As much as I enjoy spoilers sometimes I wish I didn't read the ones from a while ago about this episode since I would've liked to see my reaction to this without it since it was such a huge episode. Either way, I was devastated with how everything played out and am sad to see Michael go, but his death does make sense.

Great episode, probably will end up being the best of the season. Hoping the show can keep this up and not disappoint.

I hope we see Helena again soon! I was half expecting her to show up during the ghost story at the slumber party.

More of Rogelio in glasses please! The narrator was great as always, and I loved how passionate he was during that hilarious drinking game.

The space element and scenes from the Ark are something that I miss and think brings out some of the show's best storytelling, so I was happy to be back in that setting through flashbacks. Also, great casting choice for Luna, I look forward to that plot as the season continues

I thought I wouldn't like this episode since it was on a plane, which isn't my favorite setting for a show, but this was actually a great episode and a solid finale. One of my favorite episodes from the season too. Bummed it's over so soon

I actually liked this episode, and liked the buildup to the Negan scene but doing yet another silly cliffhanger, for something that was given so much buzz, especially after last week's cheap cliffhanger is so ridiculous. The more I think about it the more I see how flat out stupid not showing who died is. Even cutting

This was a great episode. I could've done with less of the family parts but those scenes between Annalise and her mother were great as always. One thing that has me confused is when Annalise and Bonnie are talking at the end and Annalise says "he needs to go" in reference to Frank (I'm assuming), and Bonnie's telling

Finally this show is getting its excitement back! Knew it was Philip at the end once Annalise was inside and her phone rang. Can't wait to see how the final episodes of this season play out.

Coming into this season, I had a feeling Lexa would eventually die based on some early spoilers but man, I hate seeing her go suddenly and in the way she did. Being commander and based on her decisions lately, her death would make sense but it sucks seeing how it was an accidental death and how quickly it happened

So glad Petra stood up for herself against Rafael last night. As much as I'd like them together, it was great to see her realize that she shouldn't be a second choice.

So happy about Michael and Jane! Rogelio's little dance from the promo is pretty much me and I can't wait for his reunion with Michael. Kinda think Rose may still be alive too, and that someone with her face was killed since they were discussing face changes heavily throughout the episode. It seems strange for Rose to

This was a different and nice episode, I enjoyed it. Happy to see Richonne happening too!

I'm still so irritated with how they're writing Bellamy this season, though a lot of what he said to Clarke made sense and was true. Also, I understand Lexa's desire for peace but I hate how easily swayed she was last night after those 300 people were killed. No one would've let that go so quickly and easily. Raven's

Surprisingly yeah, I'd enjoy more. I'm a sucker for tension but some more hesitancy on Clarke's end would be nice to see. I know she's somewhat reluctant, but I would've liked her intense anger to last a bit longer.

I agree with the whole Bellamy comment. I hate the way they're writing Bellamy this season in order to create conflict, especially after his growth last season. He's always been a bit impulsive, but this just seems sloppy. Using "float" as a curse word was cute the first time but I hope that doesn't become a regular

This show continues surprising me and being terrific. This might be one of my favorite episodes yet but then again, I find myself saying that after each one. Paula and her husband reciting the lyrics to the theme song was easily a highlight for me. So good, and I need more of every minor character on this show!!!

I agree, I'm hoping it's sometime this season as well. I'd love for it to be with someone that isn't Michael or Rafael. If it's with Chavez, which I doubt they'll go through with next week as well but this show is full of surprises, I would've liked some more development and exploration with their somewhat new

I'm happy Jane's virginity is becoming a storyline again, but with how central of a theme it is to this show and character, I don't like the idea of her and her professor. Probably because I can't get into him at all for whatever reason, and with how important Jane's virginity has been to her it feels so rushed all of

I was in awe for the majority of the episode. I thought it was so nicely done, and I was happy to see some solid storytelling picking up after the last two episodes. Exploring Lexa and who she is is something to look forward to and I'm hoping for a deeper exploration of her character as the season moves along. I truly