
I was happy to see Monty and his mom. I'm always curious about their parents and would love to see more of those relationships on the show. Bellamy killed it last night with his reaction to seeing Clarke and the helplessness he showed when realizing he can't save her.

Loved the sports commentary with the descriptions ("seriously, you should never ask a woman that!"). A little disappointed with the reveal about Rafael's mother but I'm hoping there's a good story behind it. Happy the show is back!!

I'm SO glad this show is back and that it's receiving more recognition like it deserves. Happy to see it's being reviewed again this season as well!

This was an enjoyable episode after quite a few boring and messy ones. Better dialogue, fun scenes, a good mix of all the story lines.

So glad the episode ended in Alba finally receiving her green card, beautiful timing too. Happy to see Jane growing a bit and seeing things from other perspectives. I'm hoping Petra finally catches a break soon, and for more Michael/Rogelio bromance scenes in the new year.

This was easily the worst episode of the season for me. The Elias reveal was silly, desperate, and his death was worse. You have three agents in front of him as he backs away towards a giant open window and no one can grab onto him? That was ridiculous. The show had potential towards the beginning but it's become so

Can't tell if Hester's repetition of the "roasted flesh" line that Gigi said in the beginning of the episode was supposed to be subtle or super obvious, but somehow her being the RD still makes sense, even if it'd be obvious and disappointing at this point of the show. Chanel #5 is another possible candidate lately

Valerie's laughing fit. That's all.

As soon as Asher received bigger storylines this season, I knew he would have some involvement with either Sinclair's murder or Annalise's shooting. The way everything played out was fantastic. The scene where Annalise loses it and begs each kid to shoot her was incredible and had me at the edge of my seat. This

I really enjoyed this episode. But was no one else bothered by Alex and Laura pronouncing gif with a g sound? I expected them to know the true pronunciation!