
It’s fucking awful!! but thank god for that latest tab!

Even though I’m pretty much digital at this point, talking to my friends about it since they’re in the same boat. We’re not ready to give up the disc drive even though we may not ever use it. It’s one those situations where we’d rather have it and not use it than not have it and need it. 

Assuming their QA is WFH - which logistically is one of hardest positions to WFH. How do you get hardware? Do you trust your QA with console dev kits? How do you get builds? What about bandwidth costs? Do you do it over RDP? (I’m guessing not, because that is shit) How do you test disc builds? You giving everyone a PC

Agreed that delaying is almost always in the best interest of the game... I just wish they would STOP setting launch dates until they have a high degree of certainty that it’s actually going to release around that time.

If you guys really insist on redesigning the interface it would be really great if you were at least consistent between sites — jumping from this redesign to, say, the completely-different redesign over at the AV Club is more than a little discombobulating. (Theirs is marginally better, btw, if equally as bloated with

Why the hell would you want your grip to disappear when your foot is flat?

Huh, if it weren’t for Google and Facebook I wouldn’t discover many of the stories I read on their site. Newspaper websites are a cluttered mess of what they think is important. I hate going there because any content I typically find important is impossible to find. If anything they should be paying Facebook and

I’m not fancy enough to buy a bracket. I just used my Project Fi LEGO to build a support pillar.

I’m not fancy enough to buy a bracket. I just used my Project Fi LEGO to build a support pillar.

Eh, it always comes down to the games for me.

Either way, I’m not ready to buy a new console.

If they did fix it, they could always leave a ‘speedrunnable’ version available via Steam betas.  One of the coolest least-used features on Steam.

Clearly a Double Deuce scenario.

It’s a real crackerjack image.

It looks like caramel corn, and now I want to eat the Sun.

I think it’s interesting that sentient androids were almost impossible to create but apparently sentient holograms were trivially easy.

You mean this one?

Google ogle has become notorious for rolling lots of unadvertised things into updates and releases. so much so that yes I kick and scream every time they try to force one - because you have no idea what they will change.

Dear god.. that is NOT how game streaming works, your level of ignorance is staggering here (don’t get me wrong, I hate everything about Stadia and game streaming services, but what you said is 100% false in every regard).

Amateur hour. I know Excel tricks that would make your eyeballs bleed.