
Yeah, especially since the Bert Stern reference LITERALLY comes from a shoot done with Vogue in the 60's.

I can’t imagine a legitimate reason someone would deny a rape victim a record of the encounter.

As a resident of North Carolina I’m really bummed you didn’t use this.

Women: Please start bringing witnesses and tape recorders to your meetings with administration. They clearly cannot be trusted.

You're absolutely right about the common enemy in the workplace, but this isn't just a problem in the workplace. Women without children are being called selfish and treated as though there's something wrong with them in so many other scenarios. That's why I took issue with the Internet Mom reaction - the kinds of

First of all there is no golden path for mothers at work. It’s not a rose garden.

Moms who allow themselves to have an identity beside being “MOM” are the best.

Forty-something, no kids here. I love it. I still enjoy my spouse. And lot of other things in life that my parenting friends don’t seem to get to do.

Apple Jacks and Pops are at least Top Tier

It’s always the same tryhards saying “the gene pool is better off” or “the world lost nothing by their deaths” - even though they most likely won’t amount to anything greater than their anonymous internet comments.

I guess what’s wrong with it is his opinion presents a logical fallacy. How many woman have ever got the actual opportunity based upon training for the sport and more importantly the politics of it.

Because gender roles are ingrained in society since birth. His statement is indifferent and ignorant of what it’s like to grow up as a woman. Whether you believe it or not, there’s a societal asymmetry between men and women when it comes to expectations. There was just an article about a teacher telling a little girl

Let’s pretend the new crop of F1 drivers are 20, because the math will be easier. 17 years ago when they started in karts, it was unheard of for a little girl to be out there. It’s still rare now! It’s going to take 10 or 15 years at least before there are enough girls actually making it through the ranks to get

No, and if somebody wants to go into a restroom with nefarious purposes, there are already laws against sexual assault, etc., and another law isn’t going to stop them. Bathroom bills only make criminals of transgender people.

Honestly, I liked it too. But the manga ending is a lot more in-depth and ties Airi and Kenya into the story a lot more. I liked the anime ending as it was, and rated the show a solid 10/10 because I loved every second of it... but reading the manga ending afterwards was also incredibly satisfying. I think if I’d read

Surprised in an article mostly talking about Keemstar there was no mention of that time he completely got it wrong about a 60+ year old Runescape Twitch player and made him cry on camera when people came in to harass him. Spoilers: it wasn’t him and the guy he thought he was is still in jail.

“Someone has a different opinion” is one way of putting it. Here’s another: A person in a position of power thinks that people with less power should stop acting like victims. This person, who helped create a game called AXE Body Spray Pogo Xtreme, argues that making games is not a job but an art. Therefore, he says,

Yeah, out of context quotes regarding her master’s thesis (which was approved, peer reviewed, and vetted by a master’s committee), coupled with unsubstantiated rumors. That really takes the wind out of her being an excellent interview, social activist, and PR star for a major corporation. Shame on her?

...And to Japanese people they look Japanese. They sometimes look like Japanese people with blue or pink or yellow hair, but what you’re seeing as visual signifiers of whiteness are typically taken by Japanese viewers as signifiers of being Japanese, or as typical flourished of the anime style (the huge round eyes,

I never stopped. Always kept going. My curiosity always trumps my self preservation. THE THINGS I HAVE SEEN!