
Tell ‘em Pepper.

Ohio borders Kentucky. It’s not unusual for people from the southern part of Ohio to have a southern accent.

So you think Ohio is throwing shade at New Mexico????

She appears to be supportive of him. After the allegations, there were pictures of her going bowling with hm and other family members.

Honestly, her reaction to this reallllly determines whether or not I will ever support her again.

If legislators care SO DAMN MUCH about black and brown babies, they could, you know, address the poverty, lack of educational opportunity, lack of parental leave and affordable childcare options, shitty sex ed and access to contraception and reproductive care, and myriad other factors that actually influence into

And now they’ve called me a faggot. Yes, clearly we are dealing with a brilliant and not-at-all-bigoted mind here.

I’m going to ignore the stupidity of everything else you wrote and focus on one thing you mentioned: black on black crime doesn’t exist.

It’s amazing that in 2016, someone could purposely not understand the meaning of an article with that title and why switching it to “Good Black People” would necessarily be a very, very different thing.

I mean, did you even read the essay?

Except that mindset leads to the assumption that all members of these groups are immediate threats even when they aren’t. Which in turns can lead to police being more aggressive and more likely to go for the gun.

Believe me, the people who live in the communities give a fuck. Unfortunately, unless a baby, pregnant lady, senior citizen or other sympathetic person is killed, it’s not going to make the news because it’s frequently dodgy people killing other dodgy people. Unfortunately, there’s all kinds of horrible shit happening

And communities that are systematically disenfranchised commit more crime. Which came first - disproportionate black criminality or systematic denial of human rights to black people/exclusion of black people from the legal market?

Dolezal, on the other hand, no matter how bad she might feel that oppression, can escape it any time she wants.

“If she was seen by the public at large as a black woman, light skinned or not, was she not subjected to the same biases or inclusions based on that?”

I think, first of all, the very ability to step out of the shoes she was walking in 100% changes her experience. People who pretend to be homeless to make themselves feel better aren’t actually homeless, people who put on fat suits to live as an overweight person aren’t actually overweight. People who wear blackface

I disagree, for a simple reason: You are not disadvantaged due to racial identification if that identification is something you can walk away from at any time.

Yes, because the black community never talks about it. Ever. It has nothing to do with white people only paying attention to the back community when they’re involved in the discussion.

Did anyone notice also how trans-inclusive his post was? *swoon*