
No, the “voices” that were “silenced” would belong the 10 infants who died from pertussis in California, my home state, in 2010, because they were too young to be vaccinated and herd immunity failed because people’s “personal beliefs” allowed the disease to slop onto the lives of others - oops, that’s “lives” as in

The answer to your questions are:

“We feel that screening a film that links vaccines to autism is irresponsible and despite our best efforts to spin it as a conversation piece, we have come to realize that there cannot be any productive conversation stemming from research published by a discredited quack.”

Well, since we never send poor people with families to prison, that’s a great defence! Oh, wait...

Masculinity is so freakin’ fragile.

The situations are not the same. For the most part, I’m indifferent to people playing other nationalities (there are arguements that when a Korean person plays a Japanese person it reinforces the idea that asian people are monolithic; the same can’t really be said for when a Canadian plays an American—there are many

Still don’t get it, do you.


There was also a lot of criticism that all the Black female roles were filled with light skinned/biracial girls, while the men were allowed to have/look like they have two Black parents. This is a weird and super-noticeable problem with all levels of casting, even for the little non-union commercials I used to do. I

This is why I fucking hate Kotaku. Their commentariat is comprised of 95% assholes.

You never know what people will do when they panic. You can’t judge people for how they react under pressure.

I can’t with that guy gently settling down his items. Reminds me of the time I was about to puke and asked my friend for the plastic bag in her hands and she carefully removed and organized the items in the bag before giving it to me.

Only the blacks had it worse than the Irish. This is well-documented history.

Shamu wasn’t glad to see your dumb face.

“Weird, it was SJWs who coined the phrase SJW to describe themselves.”

^THIS. I mean, HEAVEN FORBID we care about other people. That would be a TERRIBLE THING and a GREAT INSULT if we were to be caught thinking all people should have basic and equal human rights.
