They should recind her invite and fly in these girls:
They should recind her invite and fly in these girls:
And yet those Americans aren’t in the movie.
Get the fuck outta here! She even made a whipping motion with her fucking hand in the video. Everyone knows exactly what she meant while she was using her fake Atlanta blaccent.
its like when you were little and fighting with your brothers in the car on the way to see Tarzan and your mom said she would turn the car around if you didnt stop and you didn’t believe her so you kept fighting and then she did and your life flashed before your eyes.
Gone are the days where her mediocrity would be confused for excellence. This was one of the most self serving cases I think I’ve ever seen and I’m glad that she lost. I’m sure she will spin this into a talk show on Fox somehow, and she’ll probably end up working on Trump’s campaign as well. Both efforts will be quite…
I agree, I just suspect that Zoe, with her actress ego, talked herself out of social responsibility and into a great role, and justified it to herself in part with the fact that “white actors steal parts from POC all the time, I’m black etc”. Hollywood needs a complete overhaul when it comes to portrayals of POC.
I think it is because that behaviour is cynically expected from many high ranking mainstream (read white)actors. Bale, Swinton and many others could have say no to those problematic roles and have enough pull(more than Saldana anyways) to suggest more diverse and representative actors.
“But if you think the [prosthetic] nose I wore was unattractive, then maybe you need to ask yourself, ‘What do you consider beautiful? Do you consider a thinner nose beautiful, so the wider you get, the more insulted you become?’”
1. I don’t understand why you feel the need to mention people of color when discussing the sale of two iconic black magazines. Sometimes you can just talk about black people - shocking, I know
Ok, five bucks he was completely straight like the vast majority of violent homophobes.
I’m reminded of the horrifying treatment of Australian football legend Adam Goodes. Goodes is indigenous and faced racism throughout his football career. In 2014 he became Australian of the Year for his community work against racism and for indigenous youth. His acceptance speech condemned racism and urged respect for…
Oh shut the hell up.
This clip is from 1971. In the early-to-mid seventies, Muhammad Ali renounced the beliefs of the Nation of Islam to become a follower of Sunni Islam, which does NOT preach or practice racial separatism. It is intellectually dishonest to include a clip of Ali speaking about beliefs that he held for less than 10 years…
>Fuck anyone who sees in color.
Oh “Katie” .... My bad. Didn’t mean to feed a troll. Carry on.
I think he is using the definition of racism where your are institutionally denied advancement and opportunity due to “preferences.”
I’m thinking that may have a lot to do with how people who were not “his own” treated him.
black people preferring the company of other black people is not racist.